New Old Room

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My foot bounced anxiously as I sat on a bench in the middle of the temple's main hall. I was almost nauseous as I viewed the familiar building. It was this very hall I walked down to leave, hoping I'd never come back, and yet here I sat. 

Master Windu hasn't even spoken to me. I don't know what I expected, he's got a right to be angry. Part of me really wishes he'd at least nod his head towards me. Something, anything, to let me know he's happy I'm back.

The halls weren't busy but occasionally a person would walk by. Most I didn't recognize but some I remembered from back then, though I couldn't tell you anything about them. When people I remembered and I would make eye contact, I felt like I could see their faces twist. No way people remember me. 

Obi-Wan told me to wait here before we disappeared down the hall. I don't know how long it's been, but it's making me nervous. If I could, I would get up and just walk away but where would I go?

I'm sure Obi-Wan has gone to discuss my situation with the other Jedi Masters. I don't know what I was hoping would happen. My last conversation with Windu was that I was not allowed to stay in the temple if I was not or not training to become a Jedi. If that still stands, where will I go? Would they make me go back to Corellia? Would Obi-Wan tell them what would happen to me if I go back? 

If I stay, would they expect me to train to become a Jedi once more? I couldn't do that. I'm now positive that I would break the code almost immediately. In more ways than just one. 

"Florence?" I jumped a little as a presence scared me. Obi-Wan sit's down next to me on the purple felt bench. 

"Sorry-" We mumble to each other at the same time. We blankly stare at each other for a moment before laughing a little, a heaviness still in my chest. 

He shakes his head, grinning to himself while staring at his feet. "I talked to Master Yoda and Master Windu," He says. I dig my toes into the bottom of my shoe in anticipation. He takes my silence as a go-ahead to continue. "It didn't take much to get Master Windu to agree but Yoda was hesitant, still is."

"Agree to what?" My voice was monotone, just ready to get the news over with. 

"Agree to let you stay in the Temple."

My head perks up immediately, a little bit of that heaviness chipping away. I feel my eyes get wide. "Why? I thought it was against the rules."

He shrugs his shoulders and makes a mumbling sound in his throat. "Well, technically, it's preferred that Non-Jedi don't stay in the temple. However, it's also not written down anywhere that you can't."

I could've stayed here for ten years instead of leaving?

"Somehow, Master Windu and I managed to convince Yoda to let me train you again as well." Hesitancy coiled in my throat.

"I'm not becoming a Jedi," I interject. 

He shakes his head. "You don't have to. But you have a lightsaber and the ability to control the force. If we train you to control it and use it once again you could help us, and yourself, quite a bit."

I couldn't believe they were letting me stay while also training me. It seemed too good to be true. But I'm also back in the place with the one thing I tried running away from. 

"I'll show you to your new quarters if you'd like." I nod and stand up with him, brushing out my top. 

The familiar walk to the rooms was very nostalgic. The countless times I'd walked down these halls cluttered my mind. The nauseating feeling came back. Like there was this sinking pit in my stomach. 

We passed my old room. The door was cracked open as we walked past and I could see the balcony that overlooked Coruscant. I remembered all the nights I would sit on that balcony, listening to the hum of ships as I studied. 

Part of me wishes I had gotten my old room back but at the same time that would somehow probably be worse.

Finally, we arrive at the very farthest end of the very farthest hall. "This was the last available room that we could give away," Obi-Wan says as he opens the door on the left and holds it as I walk in, him following me. "No one wants the rooms on this hall."

"Thanks," I say sarcastically, as I take my first look around the room. It looks much older than my other room but it's still nice. It smelled of bergamot and peonies. 

"Well, my room is the one right across the hall, so we're both unlucky."

You'd think once you become a Master Jedi that you'd get a nicer room but guess not. "Yeah, being across the hall from you is unlucky."

He scoffed dryly. He turns to leave and lets me be to explore the room. Right before he walks out of the door, he turns around. 

"We start training tomorrow. I'll knock on the door and get you in the morning." I nod as his beige robes disappear behind my door. 

Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now