*Florence's POV*
Vader hasn't shown his face since the incident. I don't know if I should be pissed or proud. My food got worse, the bread got staler, and the soup got colder. Now, it was droids that brought me my food.
Sleep became a rarity. The dreams, the nightmares, got worse. Almost unbearable. The screams of Anakin on Mustafar had begun ringing through my head once more.
I hate you.
The tears in Obi-Wan's eyes flashed in my head. My head was taunting me with memories of the past. Memories I'd buried.
I sat in the middle of my floor, staring at the Stormtrooper through the small square window on the other side of the door. I hated this place. This wasn't a life worth living any-
The lights cut out. Then, the gentle hum from the device that prevented me from using the force whined before also cutting out.
I had never gotten to my feet faster in my entire life. I felt strength returning to me as the feeling of the force had begun to flow freely through my bones.
My feet quickly carried me to the door and I flung it open. The only light was an emergency light that faintly flashed above me. Me and the Stormtrooper.
The uniformed trooper turned to me, pointing his gun at me. "Hands up!" He ordered.
I ignored him, fighting with him for the large gun he had pointed at my chest. I ripped it out of his gloved hands, throwing it down the empty hall.
Once he was unarmed, I used the force to pull the two sabers that were given to the trooper when I was first imprisoned towards me. I couldn't see his expression through his mask but his tentative steps backward. Now his hands were raised.
The cool metal of the sabers felt so nice. The weight of them balanced as I ignited them. Now I could see better. The purple glow quickly filled the skinny hallway.
"If you let me go, I won't tell anyone you escape," He bartered, trying to save himself. Deceit the Darkside is.
Spinning one of the sabers behind my back, I plunged it into his chest. He groaned in pain as she toppled to the ground in a heap.
I found another door at the end of this hallway so I decided to run for that one. I gave up on using door handles as I just pushed through them with the force that felt stronger than ever.
Then I heard a high-pitched cry for help. "Someone help!"
Even though I knew it could very possibly be a trap, I ran for the cry. The power was out so there was no way they would know that I was missing until after the power came back on.
I followed the small voice until I came across this large circular room. I snuck in as quietly as I can, still not risking the chance it could be a trap.
When I walked in, I scanned the room. A small girl with black hair and pale skin was being held in some kind of machine. She was guarded by two Stormtroopers. They were both looking around aimlessly, confused about the power. Similar to the right light that was by my chambers, red lights were glowing beneath the machine. Were they going to torture this poor girl?
Without any more thinking, I snuck up behind one of the droids, flicking my lightsabers out. With a few twists of my arm, the first one fell.
I turned them off after the first one was dead so the second couldn't track me. "There's no way out," He said trying to intimidate me. I mean I just came in somewhere, of course there's a way out. "Stand where you are!"
Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OC
FanfictionMace Windu was the one to take Florence Likely as his Padawan. He's been almost like a father to her since the day he saved her from the desert planet of Jakku. Around the same time, a boy is being trained as Qui-Gon's Padawan. The two train togethe...