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*Florence POV*

I stared at the door, sitting on my bed with my legs crossed. "One... two..." I counted under my breath. "Three." Like clockwork, the door slid open and Vader walked in proudly.

I smiled, proud that I was getting better and better at the guessing game of when Vader would walk in. He passed me my dinner which was just the broth of soup and some stale bread. Despite it, I took the food gratefully. The door slides closed behind him and the blue glow surrounds the room again with a gentle hum of the force-stopping power. 

When Vader doesn't leave immediately, I know he wants another story. My artillery of stories ran dry years ago. 

"This one time Padm-"

"I'm not here to hear about her today," He snaps. I sip my soup loudly, trying to clear the tension. "I know you've been lying about the stories. I also know you still believe Obi-Wan will come and find you after all these years." I held my breath as he talked.

He starts to pace around the small room in circles. "Luckily, I've managed to take of that."

I set my soup on the table that was beside my bed. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep my tone even. 

"I've made Obi-Wan believe you're dead." He tells me what he's done with the ring and the cloak. By placing them in the way of a common Jawa scavage point, he's made sure the items will get where they need to. 

Then, he told me about the tomb of Jedi bodies he's been collecting. He knew that if Obi-Wan were to ever come aboard this ship, Obi-Wan will find that room. In that room, he will find the bodies of old friends. And me. He's disguised an old Jedi as me by using the force to morph her into me. 

My mind starts to reel about why he would need to tell me this. Then I realized that this was his way of trying to break me down. Break down my spirit and persistence. 

I stand up, grabbing the bowl of hot broth. I start to spoon scoops into my mouth as I walk over to the old Padawan. 

He stares down at me and I fake the saddest expression I can. I wasn't sad. I was pissed. 

"I can't believe you would've done that..." I say sheepishly. I look down at my feet until the perfect time. As quickly as I can, I rip the black helmet off of his head, shoving him to the ground. He was caught off guard and defenseless in this room. The protection he set up around this room to prevent me from using the force also prevented him from using it. Karma tastes nice. 

I rip his lightsaber from his belt and sling it across the room. 

My heart stops as I really get a look at his face for the first time. It was burnt, absolutely devoid of any color except for the red burn marks. I'm sure the fact that I poured the hot soup into his eyes didn't help. 

He let out an animalistic groan and begins to start gagging for air. I guess the mask was his way of breathing. I've never felt the feeling of boiling rage until this moment. 

I ball up my fists and begin slamming them, one by one, into his head. "I should've finished the job on Mustafar," I screamed with each hit. Tears fell out of my eyes rapidly.

Before I bloodied up his face too much, the storm trooper abandoned his post at the front of the door and rushed in. He threw his gun to the side and grabbed my arms, pulling me away. I screamed and clawed at the trooper as he yanked me away from his leader. 

Vader stumbled back to his feet, grabbing his saber and helmet before quickly leaving the room. "Fuck you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs just before he was out of earshot. 

The trooper drops me, making me collapse to the ground. I notice him running back out of the room, collecting his gun before the door closes behind him once again.

Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now