I Need a Flamethrower

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*Florence's POV*

I sit on one of the old chairs on the crowded dirty ship. My elbows dig into my knees as I rest my chin in my palm. Hot tears stream down my face. The anger was practically suffocating. 

Another shot from the Empire's ship shakes ours, making everyone jolt around, clinging onto their loved ones.

Obi-Wan rubs a hand around my leg, trying to comfort me as the flashes of Tala's death flicker through my mind once more. 

May the Force be with you.

The one saying that could unite anyone in the rebellion. 

We'd successfully made it off of Jabiim without being stopped by Vader but now he was directly behind us and our ship was losing parts by the second. Panic had a dangerous grip on me as I shook more from fear than the unsteady rocking of the ship. 

Roken comes in saying that he's almost got the hyperdrive fixed. I sensed it and I knew Obi-Wan sensed the lie as well as he pats my knee one last time before he stands up and walks to Roken.

My leg goes cold without his touch. I watch as they exchange words and Roken shakes his head in defeat. Then, they look over at me and I lift my head off my hands in confusion.

When Obi-Wan walks over to me, he kneels in front of my chair. "Their power couplings are bad," He tells me. Roken stares at us with dire hopefulness in his brown eyes. "Did Corellia teach you how to fix those?"

Power couplings were fairly easy to fix but considering how old the ship was, we'd need to scavenge for parts. 

I nod my head and watch as relief floods through Roken. I begin to stand up and he does as well. 

"God, I love you," He whispered into my ear as he pulled me into a warm hug, returning the warmth. My eyes go wide. He's never said it out loud. Tears stop falling out of my eyes but my cheeks were still wet.

"I love you too," I respond before pulling out of the hug. 

I smile before I walk toward Roken who tells me more about the power coupling situation. I pay attention carefully and it feels just like it did back on Corellia when Dreft would tell me what needs to be done. 

"The energy binders are dangerously close to falling off which, I mean I'm sure you understand what that could mean," Roken tells me as we walk into the large mechanical room of the ship. It's swarming with fellow rebels that seem to know a little about ships and are just trying to lend a hand. 

Everyone looks at me and quiets down, backing away from the engine and power couplings. I stare in confusion at why they looked at me the way they did. No one's ever been scared of me the way these people had. 

People kept their heads down as we walked further in.

"Stop it, all of you," Roken raises his voice in a commanding tone. "I should've addressed this earlier," He mumbled to himself quietly before talking loudly again. I stay silent. "This is Florence Likely. Mace Windu's kid." A part of me melted at the words. "If you think for one moment that she was a spy and that she told Vader where we were on Jabiim, you are poorly mistaken."

They all mumbled in understanding and I looked up at Roken who sent me a soft smile before pointing to the couplings. "Have fun," He pushes me playfully towards the machines. 

I stared at the couplings and he was right. They were in seriously bad shape. If an energy binder disconnects, then the whole ship will fall straight through like spare parts. The silver binder shivers with every hit the ship takes from the Empire.

Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now