Quick and Painless

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I slid the brown fabric strap of my bag further on my arm securely. My eyes darted between all the people getting on and off of the public ships. I had to pay a small price to get a ticket but it was worth it for the reward. 

Obi-Wan pulled me into a hug before I walked onto the transport. "I really don't like this," He mumbled in my ear as he pulled me closer. 

"So you've said," I said with a small laugh. "I promise it will be quick and painless." He nods even though I know he still doesn't agree. "I'll see you in a few days," I say before wrapping my arms around his neck. He leans down and connects our lips and I smile into it. 

"If it gets too dangerous just come home," Obi-Wan tells me. I nod quickly before giving him one last kiss on the cheek. He brushes the hair out of my face before pulling up the brown hood on the large cloak, that once belonged to Mace, over my head. "For the love of the force, stay hidden," I mumble in agreement before turning on my heel and walking in the direction the crowd was. 

I looked over my shoulder after a couple of steps and saw Obi-Wan wipe his eye before turning around. 

The cloak shadowed my face almost to the point where I couldn't see. Guess that was part of the point. 

I become very aware of the two weights on each side of my hips as I looked around at all the people. The citizens of Tatooine were less than pleasant especially since it was the Hutts that ruled it. Dirty looks were exchanged every which way. 

"Boarding for Corellia now," A bored voice speaks over a system that reverberates through the crowd. Pushing through the people, I made it to the ship I was supposed to be on. I showed the protocol droid my tickets and they waved their hand toward the ship in acceptance. 

After standing in the long loud line to board, I finally got on the hot and old ship. People were packed together and almost every seat was filled. There was only one seat left so I slid into it as I watched more and more people get on, having to stand. 

The woman I sat next to had caramel skin and dark brown hair that was braided into a bun. She had a light brown coat wrapped tightly around her. Her eyes looked swollen and red. However, her clenched jaw told me that she was trying her best to look tough and put together.

Normally, I would bite my tongue and not bother talking to people anywhere but something told me I should. 

"What's in Corellia?" I turn to her and ask. Most of the time, people are only passing through Corellia and it's never a long-term place to live. Then again, I thought I would live there forever.

She clears her throat and her jaw unclenches a bit. "Nothing. Just trying to get away." The way she said it didn't make it seem like she was going for a 'get-a-way'.

My eyebrows furrow. "You're on the run?" I drop my voice low in case anyone on the ship was who she was running from. She looks around the ship with the same suspicion I had. 

Guilt melts her expression. She didn't need to say anything since everything about her gave away the answer. "You ever been there?" I ask her, trying my best to seem comforting but in a way that doesn't make me seem like I'm trying to seem comforting. 

She shakes her head, the loose hairs in the bun shifting. "You?"

I nod. "I lived there for ten years."

Her eyes widen. "No way," She whispers, still keeping her voice low. "Do you know anyone I can stay with until I can get back on my feet?"

Suddenly, I realized how suspicious this could turn out to be. "Depends on what you're running from," I tell her.

She backs away, looking around once again. The ship jolts a little, letting us know that it had begun to take off. 

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asks, tightening the grip on the jacket that surrounded her.

"Well, you've told me this much," I remind her. 

She shrugs and sinks into her seat. "If I tell the wrong person then it could mean my death."

Could this be a fellow Jedi? "We're all running from something," My voice shudders a little. 

"Ok, ok," She says, shakily, trying to get herself geared up for telling me. She looks down at her jacket and unbuttons the top button, revealing a greenish greyish uniform I'd grown all too familiar with. Fear punches through my stomach at the sight of the Galactic Empire Military Uniform. "No, no it's ok. I'm running from it."

Lies, deceit the dark side is. I remember Yoda's lectures. Deceit. If, in fact, she was a part of the Empire, I couldn't tell her anything. 

"No, you must understand. I'm done with that life. I have to be," She begs. I still chew on the inside of my cheeks, refusing to talk. "They made me round up all the force-sensitive people. They killed them. All of them. I'm running away from that, I'm going to... well I don't know yet but I'll do something to help." She talks quickly, trying to get her point across to me as quickly as she can. My heart drops at the information.

"I might have a place where you'll be safe," I say, coldly. I trusted her, I think. But she'll prove herself in Corellia, I have no doubt about it. 

"Oh, thank you thank you," She says gratefully. "I'm Tala Durith." She holds her hands out. 

I grasp hers and shake it. "I'm Flo- Aletia. I'm Aletia," I plaster on a weak smile.

The intercom crackles on and tells us that we are about to land in Coronet City. The city I lived in. Part of me was excited, and another part was terrified.

Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now