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*Obi-Wan's POV*

The ship landed with a jolt as Florence let out a long breath. She started to flip the switches of the ship until everything powered down with a groan. When the last switch clicked, she slowly sank back into her chair.

I'd started to realize just what was about to happen. I didn't want Florence here it's too dangerous. I knew she could hold her own. I knew she could fight. I guess I was just worried that I'll go another eight years without her and if I lose her today, she won't be alive. 

A hand gripped my forearm, comfortingly. "I can feel you're worried," She says softly as she begins to stand up. I stand up too, shrugging off the dark brown cloak. "I had to come, though."

"I know," I tell her. I knew she had to come with me but I didn't want her to. It's far too dangerous.

A smile lights up Florence's face as she bends down and takes something out of the pocket of the cloak. The small red and white droid flickers to life, the blue light shining out of its single eye lit up the entire room. 

"What's this?" Lore asks curiously. 

She passes me the small droid. "It's Leia's," I tell her as I place it on the dash of the ship. "It's an L0-LA59 droid. She named it Lola, appropriately."

"What a kid," She laughs quietly. A sad silence begins to fill the room as her face falls. I guess she's realized what's about to happen too. "Look, Obi, if something does happen to one of us today-" She doesn't get the rest of the sentence out before tears start streaming down her face.

She slams her body into me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I rest my chin on the top of her head as I rub her arms and shoulders. 

"I have a bad feeling about this," She admits as she buries her face in my chest. Despite the situation, my face heats up at the motion. "If anything happens to me today, take the ring. I want there to never be a day where this ring isn't worn by anyone."

I nod, running my hand across the back of her head now. "I'll become the sad old hermit who lives beyond the dune sea who lost his-"

"No," She quickly says, pulling out of the hug. I look at her, confused. "Why are we talking like this? If he strikes us down today, we will become more powerful than he can possibly imagine."

She looks at me, waiting until I give some sort of motion that I understand. I bend down and cup her cheeks in my tired hands before kissing her. She kissed back as both of our tears streamed down our cheeks. I could taste the salt as it ran into our lips.

"We need to go," She says as the disturbance of the force flows through her. I felt it too but I wanted to ignore it. 

She walks out first, keeping her cloak on for the fight. The dark fabric flows behind her as we walk through the rocky terrain of the planet. Soon, Anakin's ship comes into view and he is standing right in front of it.

It doesn't take long for him to start walking toward me and Lore. I try to keep my posture straight and tall, as serious as I can, even though my heart is defeating in my ears.

He stops a few feet away from us but I still clutch my saber in my palm. 

"Have you come to destroy me, Obi-Wan?" He asks, snarkily, ignoring Lore beside me. I didn't know if that was good or bad.

I looked to Florence who kept her jaw clenched and her hate-filled eyes glued to her old friend. 

"I will do what I must," I tell him as I get into the attack position for Soresu, the fighting style I focused on after the death of Qui-Gonn. Florence pulled out both of her sabers and took on to Juyo stance that she learned from Windu. 

Order 66 ~ Obi-Wan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now