Chapter 4

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"NO BATH NO BATH" the younger of the two giggled in a loud voice, while the older was clawing at the Darkling's hand trying to get him to let go, it was no use, he had an iron grip and it was clear, he wasn't letting go. It was then they heard rushed footsteps and slight panting, the Darkling turned around, the young summoners still in his arms to see an out of breath tailor there, a look of relief on her face when she spotted the girls.
"I apologize for the inconvenience sir, the girls ran away when I mentioned a bath" The tailor stated bowing her head slightly, a sign of respect to her general. The darkling was about to reply when he was interrupted by the other shadow summoner in the room.
"NO WE NO WANT GO BATH. BATH BAD. MAMA ALWAYS MAKES US GO BATH BUT WE NO LIKE BATH SO NO BATH!" she yelled at the two adults. The darkling noticed how Genya tensed slightly when Kyra referred to Alina as mama, he decided to not say anything about it and change his schedule for the day slightly instead.
"Genya" he started "don't worry about the bath for now, I want to talk to the girls, I'll bring them to you when I'm done" and dismissed her with a wave of his hand. He noticed the girls trying to wiggle out of his grasp again but kept a firm hold on them as he started walking them to his room on deck.

He opened the door to his chambers and finally put the girls down, they seemed elated to finally be able to walk again, linking hands as soon as they were let down.

He noted how the two seemed to have an attachment to each other, more than he noticed with other children, he suspected it was because they were identical twins, but he'd seen twins back at the little palace, they were never this close. He figured Alina must have kept them isolated and inside, away from others, during her attempt to hide from him. He noted that down for later, it might be useful information for him.

The two girls, hand in hand, started walking around the room, trying to open drawers, climb in the desk, and simply trying to get their hands on whatever they could, The Darkling watched in amusement when they realized all the drawers were locked, they were too short to climb up on the chair to reach the table, and there was nothing left loose in his room of importance.

The only thing they could have possibly grabbed was a quill on his desk, but still, they were too short to reach it. The twins grew bored of trying things that weren't working out for them, and instead moved onto tracing the lines of the maps that were stuck to the walls. He silently watched them for a few minutes before they once again grew bored and instead decided to try to clamber up onto his bed.

They were still too short, Kyra the huffed out a sigh of frustration, clearly agitated there was nothing she could play with in this room, Aelia seeing this just dragged her along while she walked over to the Darkling. They just stared up at him clearly wondering why he brought them to this room, if there was nothing for them to do here. He just stared down at them, waiting for one of them to ask, he wanted to learn more about their personalities and so he refrained from saying anything.

After about 3 minutes of just staring, Kyra finally couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence "why you bring us here shadow man?" she asked in a very demanding tone, clearly frustrated at the situation a pout playing at her lips. He smiled slightly, happy that one of them had decided to say something, whilst also amused at her attempt to look intimidating.

"I brought you here, to teach you how to summon. You remember what I showed you last night? With the shadows and the light?" He questioned. At the mention of the word summon, he noticed their eyes widen in delight and joy. They both started bidding their heads eagerly, clearly exited to learn how to use their powers. "Alright" he continued, "I am going to teach you now but I want you two to stay focused and concentrate." He finished sternly. Once again they both began to nod their heads vigorously. "Let's begin."

The Darkling moved away from the door and towards the center of the room where there was more space, the trains followed him gazing up at him, faces beaming. "Alright, I want you to focus, take a deep breath, remember what you felt when you summoned for the first time yesterday, now i want you to join your hand together, pull them apart, and pull on the feeling of summoning, and let your power come to you." He watched the twins listen to his steps, doing exactly as he instructed, however, they weren't concentrating or focusing. They kept looking back at the other wondering if they had achieved anything. The Darkling then realized he couldn't teach them together, they would simply get distracted and not learn. So, he attempted a different approach. "Instead of teaching you two together, I am going to teach you each separately." He said. The twins looked up at him, fear evident in their eyes, it was clear they have never done anything apart from each other.

Kyra started trembling and shakily asked "B-b-but can we stay together? please mr shadow man?" The Darkling didn't miss the hope amongst her terror filled eyes, however his decision was final, he needed to begin to separate them, he needed them to rely on them selves in order to learn their power, he wasn't going to seperate them forever, just while he trains them how to summon.

"No Kyra. I will teach you first, and while I am teaching you, Genya will take Aelia and prepare her for the day. This is final. You have a few minutes while I go call Genya once I return, Kyra will stay with me and Aelia will go with Genya, once I am done teaching Kyra, you will switch, Aelia stays with me, and Kyra will go off with Genya." Their father replied coldly, and with that, he left the room making sure to lock it behind him.

The twins - A grishaverse Darklina fanficWhere stories live. Discover now