Chapter 18 - Aelia

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I blinked my eyes open when I realised there was something on my shoulder, I looked over to see Kyra also drowsily waking up. I payed her no mind and looked away as this was a normal thing for me. I looked straight forward only to see the heartrender from before, his hands intricately woven together signaling how he was waking us up.

I frowned slightly at the sight, and as if sensing my discomfort, Kyra sat up next to me and followed my line of sight, only to have an identical expression on her face. As I started to focus more on my surroundings, I noticed a faint voice in the background saying something but I was still too out of it to place the voice to a name.

"Twins...more powerful...imagined...control." The voice slipped in and out and I could only really make out a few words. I tried to look out of the window to see who it was, but quickly realised it was too tall for me to be able to see anything. 

Instead I looked over to my sister who seemed to have already been looking at me. "Lia," She said, "where are we?"

"I dunno." I replied, my face scrunched up in confusion. As I opened my mouth to say something else, the door to the carriage opened and walked in our father. I wasn't able to tell what mood he was in, I barely ever could, not like mama, if mama was happy everyone would know, because mama makes everyone happy when she's happy. "Papa?" I asked, "Where are we? Mama here?"

Papa looked at me for a second before replying, "Come girls, I want you to see where we are, and then you will go with some of the Oprichniki and wait patiently with them away from the palace and when it is time, I will come and collect you."

"But Papa," Ky-Ky started. "What about Mama?"

"Do not worry about your mother, you will see her soon, now come." Papa stated before he took our hands and helped us down from the coach.

When Papa lead us outside and guided Kyra and I to a specific spot, 2 beautiful glimmering palaces stood before us. One of the was larger and shinier, with taller towers and larger domes, it also had enormous gardens in front of it, with all types of different rows of flowers growing, in all the colours I could ever imagine. There were even large bushes that looked like eagles at the front. 

Slightly to the right of the larger fancy castle, was a smaller one. To me however, this one looked prettier. There was less of the yellow-y shiny stuff and more detailed patters in the building. the flowers in front of this one looked more organized and all the colours matched and looked good together. There was also a large blue lake near it, and as I looked closer, I saw a few people around it. they looked like they were waving their hands around, but I couldn't tell what they were doing, and for some reason, they were all wearing blue.

I said nothing as I stood there, jaw on the floor, gaping at the gorgeous castles, slowly moving my eyes from one to the other repeated. When I looked back at Kyra and Papa, Kyra looked as if she was trying to run over towards the magnificent buildings but Papa had his hand around her arm, pulling her back and not letting her leave. 

It made me angry and sad when Papa was like this, Mama almost always would let me and Kyra do what we wanted if she thought it was safe. If she didn't think it was safe, she would at least tell us why and give us other ideas of what to do. Papa never did that. He only says no but doesn't say why and gets angry at me and Kyra more.

I didn't want Papa to be angry and shout and Kyra to get into trouble, so I reached over to her and tapped her on the shoulder with the hand that was not in my fathers. She looked back at me, and I slowly shook my head at her, silently telling her it's not worth getting in trouble now.

She seemed to understand and stopped trying to squirm out of Papa's death grip on her arm. Trying a different approach to my sister, I poked my father in the side to get his attention, when he turned to me I asked, "Papa, can we go to the pretty castles?"

He smiled at me slightly before replying, "Soon Aelia I promise. Soon all four of us will be together living in that palace over there." He pointed at the larger one.

"But Papa, the other one is nicer, can't we live there?"

"No Aelia, I'm afraid me must stay in the larger one, even if it does look too flashy."

"Why Papa?"

"The big one is where the Royal family lives."

Kyra had the same idea as me when she asked, "But we is not Royal, me and Lia not princesses?" 

Papa smirked a little before he answered, "Not yet, but let me tell you a little secret. In a few hours, I will meet with Alina, and we will become the new King and Queen of Ravka, the two of you will become princesses."

 Hey everyone! Long time no see, I'm so sorry for leaving for a very long time but I just have had so much on my plate right now. So we've basically reached the end of Siege and storm and the next chapter is gonna be the big fight between The Darkling and Alina. I am going to end this book when I finish the events of Siege and Storm completely. I am planning on writing a sequel which will kind of be based on the event of Ruin and Rising but that probably will not come out for a long time once this book is finished. I will try and write many chapters of the sequel before I publish any of them because I know this year will b really busy and stressful for me and I don't want to make any of that worse.

Thank you to everyone who has read this far, thank you to everyone who waited a really long time for this chapter and Thank you to everyone that comments. I really enjoy reading them even if I don't always reply.

Until next time, 

Happy Reading,


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