Chapter 1

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"KYRA, AELIA, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Alina shouted across the house trying to keep a straight face and talk in a serious tone as the two identical toddlers ran around the boarding house in a fit of giggles.

The twins were 3 years old, they had midnight black hair, quartz gray eyes and pale skin, when Alina and Mal first saw their eyes, the couple knew immediately who they mainly took after, but they still had a few features similar to their mother, the shape of their eyes and petite frame came from the sun summoner.

"NU UH, WE NO WANT BATH, MAMA GO BATH!" Kyra, the older of the two, shouted back

"C'mon you two, you don't want me to have to catch you myself, it won't be very fun" Alina replied with a playful tone.

At that moment they heard the door opening and closing, which they knew could only mean one thing.

"MALY MALY MALY!" Both the little girls shouted as they dashed to the door to greet Mal.

"How are you girls, not giving your mother too much trouble I hope?" he questioned in a cheeky tone.

"No Mal, we're just playing" Aelia said sheepishly hiding a smile whilst looking down at her shoes.

"Really? Because I think mama was trying to tell you two it's bath time when you started running around the house. Isn't that right, girls?" Alina commented from behind them, the twins hadn't realized she was standing behind them.

They both turned around, a look of surprise and panic on their faces, before Kyra turned back around to face Mal and stated in a confident yet also rushed tone, "Mama want to make us take a bath but we don' wanna take a bath because-because we don' wanna"

"Well girls, I think your mama is right, it's bath time young ladies" He said in a gentle tone with a smile on his face, with a hint of playfulness seeping through.

"NO NO NO!" Aelia cried whilst giggling as Kyra shouted "COME ALIA RUN!"

They ran away and went to hide underneath the bed while they heard their mother and Mal laughing and coming towards them. They didn't think they could be seen or heard giggling by their parents, when they each suddenly felt themselves being swept up.

Alina holding Kyra tickling everywhere while she is shouting in the middle of laughing for her to stop, while Mal is throwing Aelia up in the air only to catch her give her a quick kiss just to do it all over again.

They were carrying the twins to the tub, when Alina spotted something, or rather someone through the window. Across the street, a man stood beneath a balcony, peering up at the boardinghouse. He pulled at his collar and his sleeves, as if his clothes were new and didn't quite fit right. His eyes met hers through the window, then darted quickly away.

She felt a sudden pang of fear.

"Mal," she whispered, reaching out to him.

He immediately understood, they simultaneously put the twins down.

"Kyra, Aelia, listen to me carefully, go into the bedroom into the closet and be very quiet okay? can you do that for me ?" she whispered in a soothing tone but on the inside she was panicking.

"But what about the bath mama?" Aelia asked confused at the situation

"Later moya lyubov" she replied with a sad smile on her face. "now go"

As soon as they ran into the bedroom, it happened.

The door flew open.


The twins were already in the closet when they saw a flash of light, it went as quickly as it came, they were intrigued when they started hearing other people talking.

"Lia, who that? Mama an' Mal no talk other people?" Kyra asked her sister in a confused tone.

"I no know Ky" Aelia replied, the same confusion written all over her face

They shared a scared and also confused look when they heard their mother talking in an angry tone, they've never heard her this way, to them she was always gentle, kind and caring.

Suddenly they heard their mother shout something and there were flashes of light and dark before they heard their mother and Mal scream. They burst into tears and ran out of the closet and bedroom only to see their mother and Mal on the floor, their mother with a bite mark on her shoulder and bleeding, many people surrounding them. They were terrified to say the least. A man dressed in all black was staring at them, when they locked eyes it was like looking at a mirror, quartz met quartz.

A look of surprise passed over the darkling's face before returning to its cool calculating mask. He scanned the girls' body, realization flashed in his eyes before they were back to the unwavering gray. The girls ran over to their guardians, tears still streaming down their faces.

"MAMA, MAL WAKE UP WAKE UP" One of them screamed whilst shaking Alina, the other was crying over Mal's body gently trying to wake him up. The twins locked eyes, and simultaneously dropped to their knees, they let out a cry and darkness exploded from one, while a blinding light exploded from the other. They collapsed and fell into unconsciousness.

The twins - A grishaverse Darklina fanficWhere stories live. Discover now