Chapter 17

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The first hour of the journey went by uneventfully, the twins were content in the coach talking to each other, playing simple games, and occasionally summoning a little bit.

However the toddlers began to grow restless after a while, they had a very short attention span due to their age, and simply couldn't keep themselves entertained anymore.

"Lia..." Kyra dragged out. "I bored! I wanna go play outside. I no want sit in yucky small box anymore!"

"Me too Ky," Aelia replied. "There no more game to play. Already played I spy, and clapping game, and Simon says, and everything else in the whole big world!"

"What we gon' do?"

"We have tell papa but how? He outside in horsie and he no see us."

"But- but what we gon do?"

Without answering her sister, the young sun summoner scooched over to the side of the carriage, moved the small burgundy curtain out of the way, and started banging and knocking on the glass window.

Catching on to what Aelia was attempting, Kyra imitated her actions on the opposite window, thus creating a lot of noise that was sure to alert the rest of the individuals travelling with them.

After a few minutes of enduring the racket his daughters were making, The general ordered the grisha to stop their journey, so he could check up on his daughters and make sure everything was alright.

When The Darkling opened one of the carriage's doors Aelia came toppling out, but, due to his reflexes, The Darkling was able to catch her in time so no real damage was done.

The Darkling's eyes widened as his other daughter ran across the coach just to follow her sister and jump into his arms as well.

"Girls what are you doing? Get back in the coach. Now." He ordered.

The twins did as they were told, from his time they were able to deduce he was angry and there was no room for argument right now.

Once the toddlers were seated The Darkling spoke again.

"Why were you two knocking on the windows and making so much noise? Is there something you need?"

The sun summoner was the one to reply to him. "We was just bored and we played all all of the games in the whole entire world." She whined, making sure to drag out the second 'all' and 'world'.

Behind her, Kyra was nodding along in agreement.

The Darkling sighed. "That is not important right now, just sit down for the rest of the ride, we have a long way to go and I don't want to make anymore stops. Behave yourselves or I will call someone in to watch you and make sure you behave. Am I understood?"

The twins' faces dropped as they nodded in understanding, not wanting to have to deal with someone watching their every move and telling them what they could and couldn't do. The darkling have one last curt nod before closing the carriage doors and making his way back to his horse. Not one minute later, and they were back on the move again. 



Two hours had passed since the last encounter between the twins and their father, and once again they grew restless.

"Lia I bored!" Kyra complained to her younger sister.

"Me too Ky-Ky but Papa said we not suppos' stop anymore. He gon' be mad us." Replied the sun summoner, a pout present on her small face.

"But what we gon' do? I don' wanna sit here anymore. It no fun!" Kyra retaliated.

The twins - A grishaverse Darklina fanficWhere stories live. Discover now