Chapter 8

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The next morning The Darkling made his way over to his daughters' bedroom, when he entered, he saw them already awake and playing with each other. Aelia was on Kyra's bed playing with her hair whilst Kyra was summoning ribbons of shadow, weaving them in and out of her fingertips, occasionally getting them to circle the both of them. 

The Darkling stood there for a moment, simply watching his daughters. 5 minutes had passed, before he decided to make his presence known, he cleared his throat, and both of the girls' heads turned towards the door frame.

"You papa?" Aelia wasted no time in wanting to know the truth.

"Yes." The Darkling replied "I am your father, that is how Kyra has inherited the shadows from me."

"If you papa why you no with mama? Papa an Mama 'posed be together" The other twin commented.

"Your mother and I will be together soon enough Kyra, don't worry, but we had a small...falling out, which is why we weren't together before."

"I miss Mama, I saw Mama before but Mama go, and don't know where." Aelia commented, a sad expression gracing her features.

At the mention of Alina, he saw how Kyra, and in turn Aelia's eyes began to tear up, The Darkling was aware of how close the twins must be to their mother, seeing as they had practically no contact with other people besides themselves, Alina, and the tracker. He knew this would be a tough adaptation for them, but he expected to reunite them soon enough, he had not expected for Sturmhond to betray him and steal away his Sun Summoner.

Nonetheless, The Darkling had already started planning out his next course of action, he knew he had to find a way to communicate with Alina, inform her of his knowledge about their daughters, and use her love for them against her.

"Yes, your mother was here on this ship, but now she is on a different ship, but not to worry Aelia, soon I will find her again, and we will all be together."

"Where Gen-Gen?" Kyra asked, it seemed to the darkling as if the twins were simply taking turn on asking the questions he would rather avoid answering to three year old children.

"Genya is... injured and not quite herself after the events of yesterday, after all the fighting that was going on. She will not be able to see you for at least a few weeks, as she still needs to recover." Their father replied, only hesitating slightly upon choosing the word best suitable for describing Genya's position to toddlers. "Now I must leave, after a while, I will send for someone to come and accompany Aelia whilst I take Kyra off to continue practicing summoning, and then, as per usual, you will switch." With that, the older Shadow Summoner left the room, leaving the twins time to do as they pleased before he needed to come back to take one of them to train. 

After about an hour later, The Darkling came back with an inferni in tow, he opened the twins' cabin and let the other grisha in. The twins looked at the new woman in the room with curiosity, however the Darkling was quick to explain that the Inferni was called Anya and would be replacing Genya in their daily routine. It was clear to him the twins were skeptical and still untrusting of the Inferni, but he was not worried, they would grow to trust her, just as they had Genya and all would be well. The Darkling wasn't worried about having a lack of Inferni who could be alert and get into action quickly because they were taking care of his daughters. There were other Inferni aboard the ship, and he did not plan to need them unless an attack surfaced. They weren't needed regularly on board, as the goal was to keep the ship away from fire, so it does not get destroyed and sink.

Although Genya was replaced, the regular routine followed out normally, the same as always, except, The Darkling had added a new step to this routine, after training Aelia, he would give them a slight rest, before bringing both twins back, to work on their summoning whilst they were together.

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