Chapter 6

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Once each of the twins were done with everything The Darkling decided they must do for the day, they were given time to just spend with each other in their room, as the darkling was aware of the unique bond the twins had with each other, however, he wouldn't be careless and leave them alone, he had tasked Genya with staying in the room with them, not only to make sure nothing bad happened to them, but also to have her tell him everything they are doing.

The twins were elated, to say the least once they had been able to spend time with each other, as soon as Aelia was set down on the floor by The Darkling, who was previously carrying her, Kyra ran over to her, and gave her a hug, neither of them let go for around 5 minutes, they hadn't even noticed that The Darkling had left the room. Genya watched the two young summoners babble to each other, both of them keen to tell the other about their days. Once they were both done, Genya was surprised when she'd heard the younger of the twins ask her sister of something she wasn't expecting.

"Ky-Ky? Can show shadow?" Aelia had asked, an expression of wonder and excitement present on her face.

The shadow summoner beamed at her, clearly exited to show off her new powers. She pushed her arms together, then slowly pulled them apart, between them floated a small cluster of obsidian ribbons, forming the shape of a ball. Genya did not miss how the size of the cluster seemed to waver a little bit, a clear sign of how Kyra had not fully yet grasped the concept of complete control. However, the Tailor was no less impressed, to be able to even summon this much, after only a few hours of work, especially at this age was exceptional, but she was not surprised as this was a child of the two most powerful grisha alive, it was no anomaly their children would be special too.

Kyra beamed as she watched her sisters eyes widen in delight and astonishment, her face breaking out into an identical smile. "Pretty shadows Ky" Aelia whispered in awe, as is she was scared if she was any louder, the ribbons of darkness would disappear.

"Thanksy Lia. Can do Lia light too?"

Aelia repeated the same gesture of putting her hands together, however, instead of pulling them apart like her sister, she only moved one hand, and summoned a glowing orb of light in her palm. The ball of light was slightly larger than the one of shadow, although, it was less controlled, it was moving around above her palm, but not in a controlled way. Genya noticed this, and thought this happened because one of them, Kyra, was more wary and reserved about her power, choosing to understand and control it before going larger, similar to her mother. On the other hand, Aelia, was clear to prefer to use as much power as she could, then learn to control it from there, more like her father. She found it ironic how the young Sun Summoner resembles the Older Shadow Summoner and vice versa.

The twins started to play around with their powers together, the light and dark intertwined, each of them giggling and smiling at the different shapes they were able to make together. After about an hour of doing this they had clearly exhausted themselves out, and only then did they seem to remember Genya was in the room as well. Kyra then turned towards her, she seemed to be slightly sad, and the Tailor wasn't sure why, a grisha using their power was supposed to leave them feeling exhilarant and jubilated, yet the young girl seemed to be troubled by something.

"Gen-Gen," she whispered softly, voice beginning to shake, almost as if she was about to cry, "I-I-I miss mama" she finished, as tears started to slowly fall down her face.

Genya immediately felt bad for the young girl, she was only 3, and at this age, it was very expected for her to be clingy towards her parents. The tailor knelt down and wrapper her up in a hug, "It's alright Kyra, it's okay, I understand, don't worry I am sure you will see her soon." she reassured her whilst stroking her hair. Upon seeing her sister cry, and the reminder of her mother, Aelia followed her sister actions, and started to cry as well. Genya pulled her into the hug as well, and decided that maybe she should put them down for naps, that it might help them calm down. "Kyra," she said slowly, "Aelia, I think its time for a nap, don't you? I think after all of that summoning you're tired, and you need to sleep, okay?" Neither of them said anything, they just lazily nodded their heads, confirming for Genya that they needed to regain their energy.

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