Chapter 14 - Kyra

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kyra and Aelia, Happy birthday to you!" I could see Mama and Mal singing to two girls, I looked over and it looked like it was for Aelia and I. I could see us standing on a chair in front of a table. Mama and Mal facing us on the other side.

That's not normal? Why can I see myself?

Mal and Mama started clapping. All four of us were grinning wildly. We looked like one happy family, all together enjoying ourselves.

Where am I?

"Come on girls blow out your candles so you can make a wish!" Mama exclaimed as she signaled her hand forward, encouraging us to do as she said.

I watched as Aelia and I linked our hands before blowing out the candles on the small stack of blini Mama had made for us to resemble a birthday cake, and afterwards, how Aelia hugged the girl who seemed to be me.

I did not understand how people say how Lia and I look the same, to me, we are very different. I am me, and she is Aelia, we were not the same. No matter how many times we were able to trick mal. We were never really able to trick Mama though, she always knew.

At last I recognized it. I knew where I was, this was Aelia's and I's 3rd birthday, I remember how after this, Mama held out our hands around a knife, and then covered our hands with hers, before assisting us in cutting the blini cake. 

I remember Mama and Mal feeding us little pieces, it was not very yummy, Mama was not  great at making deserts, but she was good at making us our other foods.

I remember this one time she was making us our lunch, and me and Aelia wanted to help because we  were bored, she brought us little stools to stand on so we could reach the counter. She put a bowl in front us us with a spoon, and told us to mix. At first we were having a lot of fun, but after a little bit Aelia and I got bored, so she made up a little song for us to sing while we were mixing.

I brought my attention back to the little party we were having, but I did not see a party anymore. Instead I seemed to be somewhere in a crowded village, this time, I couldn't see Aelia or Mama or Mal. At first I didn't even see myself, I had to look around a little before I spotted myself. I saw myself sitting on the side of the street, many people walking by and no one was paying attention to me, or even saw me. It was very loud so I knew even if I said anything no one would hear me. I decided to move a little bit closer to myself, only to see that I was huddled up crying against a wall of a small shop. 

I remember.

This was a day Mama had taken Aelia and I out to the town for the first time, we were all walking around looking into small shops through the windows, visiting the market stalls and buying a few groceries for supper. We were about to start heading back to our little home when I had gotten lost and torn away from Mama and Aelia. We were separated in a crowd  and by the time I was able to make it away from everyone else, I could no longer see anyone of my family. 

I remember it being a horrible day.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I saw a woman and a little girl approaching my crying form on the street. I could only see the backs of them but I already knew who it was, there were only two people that came to my rescue that day, the only two people I would have ever wanted to come. 

It was Mama and Aelia, Mama looking extremely worried, her face breaking out into a wide smile as soon as she set her eyes on me, and Aelia had tears running down her face, it seemed she had started crying when she discovered I was lost and didn't stop until a few minutes after they found me again.

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