Chapter 15

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The next morning woke up to seeing not one, but two toddlers in his bed. He sighed before attempting to get out of the bed without waking his daughter up, it was a great challenge because his youngest daughter was longing onto his torso, and the other clutching his arm, head on his shoulder.

With his free hand, he gently peeled Aelia off of his torso and set her closer to Kyra. At the feeling of a new person next to her, Kyra moved herself off his arm and embraced her sister in a hug. Finally free, the darkling got out of his bed and walked over to the mahogany chair in the corner on which his Kefta was draped over.

He shrugged on the core-cloth coat before making his way over to his desk to get to work. He didn't get much done before he heard shuffling from his bed.

He looked up and saw Aelia wiggling from under the black sheets and clamber out and hop down from his bed and pad her way over to him.

When the young sun summoner reached his chair she lifted her arms up towards him in a gesture that was clearly saying 'pick me up'.

The darkling lifted his youngest daughter into his arms and set her in his lap, allowing her to snuggle up to him slightly so she would be able to get comfortable.

Within the span of a few weeks, how did I go from being the worlds most feared person to having two different toddlers sitting in my lap on two different occasions between less than 24 hours?

The darkling thought.

"Why are you already awake Aelia? It's too early for you to be out if bed, you need more sleep." He sighed.

"Why it too early for me but you get be awake? That not fair. You go nighty after me also, so I can be awake if you can be awake. It's not fair if I have sleep if you no have sleep." The young girl argued.

"Life is not fair. Go to sleep Aelia. Do as you are told. I will not ask again."

"Nuh-uh." She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Now Aelia."

"No. I not going sleep. I always wake up before Ky-Ky, and I not tired. Mama always let me wake up early in morning and if Mama said it okay, it okay."

"Your mother is not here, Aelia, so you will listen to me. What Alina allowed you to do is irrelevant now because I am your father and I am in charge. You will listen to what I say and that's it."

As soon as The Darkling finished his first sentence Aelia's eyes widened and began to water.

"I no care if you Papa, I grew up with Mama so I always listen to Mama before you! Mama let me be awake so I gonna stay awake!" She shouted.

The young summoner made an attempt to clamber off her fathers lap, but the general held her in place with his arms.

"Aelia," He started calmly, " I understand your frustration, but for now, you must listen to me, Mama is not here to be able to take care of you know, I promise you will see her again, but I am still your father and I am still in charge. What I say goes, understood?"

"But Papa, I promise I no tired, I sleep a lot last night, I no need more sleep. Please please please."

The Darkling sighed.

"I can't look after you right now, I have a lot of work I need to get done, and Kyra is not awake for you to play with her, you won't have anything to do."

"Can just sit here with you? I no want play and I make no noise, promise Papa."

"Alright, as long as you are not distracting you can sit here while I work." The Darkling surrendered.

The twins - A grishaverse Darklina fanficWhere stories live. Discover now