Ah, yes. Part 5 of Fading Lights. The last part of the first season.
Let's end it off with a bang, shall we?
After the unfortunate turn of events a few days ago, Jura finds himself in a different area than he's used to and will meet new friend...
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I waited until all people except Jub left the room and the door was shut. 2 guards were placed in front of it in case Jubilea would just try to walk out. That was my time to strike. As the door closed, I pulled out the metal gate at the sad excuse for a window and slipped inside. Thank God I'm not dummy thicc like Jay, that way I didn't get stuck. I headed over to Jub and tried to wake him up, but he was properly knocked out. A worried sigh escaped my throat as I cut him down from the ceiling and pulled him close, heading to the window. I wasn't alone luckily. One other escapist agreed on freeing him since I ensured none of us are found, not only me. So I lifted Jub and the other guy helped me push him through the window into the outside world. The other escapists were watching out for guards in the meantime. Once Jub was out, I climbed through the window as well and we headed to the portal. Once there we'd hop through into the living world and only then take care of him, it was the safest option. Jub let out a silent whimper, curling up in the stranger's arms. I worriedly watched and caressed his hair softly so he could calm down, which he soon did. "That guy is fucked up mate, you sure he'll make it?", one of them asked. I nodded with fake confidence. "Yeah, he made it through worse.", I lied, both to give them reason to keep going, and to calm myself down. No, no he didn't. Every time this sort of stuff happened he either died or fell into a coma for a while. I was very worried about the small guy. I don't know how injuries act around here, nor do I know if he'll be full, okay once he's healed up. If he even heals up that is... Dear god I don't want to see the look on Xanders' face when he sees this. We brought him through the portal and set him down against a tree. He looked rather peaceful like that, if there wasn't this constant look of agony on his face. I felt really sorry for him, so I tried my best to fix him up. The other escapists helped a lot with that, some using magic to heal him up, the small wounds they bandages up with leafs and vines they found. The broken ankle that I didn't even notice was splinted with some wood and secured tightly by the vines to ensure its flawless healing. I watched and helped as much as I could before we finished and the other escapists went to their own homes, of course not without me thanking them for their help. They just smiled before heading off and disappearing into the woods. I looked around before sighing softly. Dang, what now? I had to trust my senses to get us home safely, now that we were alive. "You got this, Jura...", I muttered to myself and went to Jub. "You're good at this, you spent years alone and rarely got lost. Even tho you don't have a map this time, you'll get home.", I reassured myself a bit louder as I picked the unusually light realm up and watched him snuggle into my chest. "You owe him this after all for not blowing your cover." With that being said, I headed out, trusting my senses on finding the right way.
Turns out my senses suck absolute ass. I was walking for hours with Jubilea still passed out in my arms, only snuggling up to my chest every once in a while, but I didn't once get to see anything familiar around. Night started falling upon us, so I decided to take a rest. I went to a cave and sat Jub up against a rock, checking his wounds. They seemed to heal up pretty quickly luckily, so I could already remove some to remove the blood with the wet moss that was stuck in between some rocks. He flinched away a bit from the cold feeling, making me feel bad and getting even more careful. Eventually I finally finished and gathered some dried wood to make a fire. Sure, this took a while, and starting a fire took even longer, but eventually it worked and I eyed my work in satisfaction, the fire eating hungrily at the wood. Hunger... I did have some, yeah. And Jub looked like he could really use some food too to get back onto his feet. So, I got up and headed back out, hunting down some animals in hopes I'll catch something. After nearly an hour or hunting and keeping the fire up, I found a rabbit that recently fell from a cliff and hit the rocks near the cave. The meat was still warm, so it couldn't have been long ago, maybe a few minutes. I picked it up, brought it back and skinned it before putting it onto a long stick so it can roast over the fire. While it was roasting I attempted to wake Jubilea up. And to my shock it worked, even tho the awakening wasn't exactly nice. He opened his eyes and immediately started whimpering in pain. I tried to calm him down, to no avail. Eventually I just offered him a curved leaf I found and filled with water so he can drink. He looked at the liquid, then at me, before taking a few sips. I helped him, he seemed pretty dried up after all... When he finished and I refilled the leaf, sitting down next to him to continue roasting the rabbit, I noticed that he was silent. That wasn't exactly rare for him, but something was off. So I asked what it was. He eyed me for a while again, seemingly unsure if that was a question he was even allowed to ask. When I didn't give him any rude reply or stare, he took a deep breath before almost inaudibly asking me a question that bothered him. "Why did you safe me when you could easily have left me in there to rot and get tortured more?" Now it was about choosing my words very carefully...