Chapter 5

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Kenzie's pov.
I wake up in Harry's arms on the couch. What happened last night? all I remember was that we were kissing, I would never forget that. It was magical. I look at Harry, he looks so cute when he's asleep. I look down he didn't have a shirt on. Wait do I? Thankfully I do. I shake Harry to wake him up.
"Harry, Harry, Harry."
"Uh, yes love." His voice is raspy
"I love your morning voice." I say running my hands through his hair.
"You wake me up to tell my that?" He said annoyed.
"Well no, but do you remember what happened last night?"
"Of course, we had that perfect kiss." He smirked
"I remember that, I will never forget. What happened after that?"
"We watched tv and went to sleep." He tells me.
"Oh yeah. I remember now."
Then Harry's phone rings. It was a call asking if he wanted to do an interview for a tv show.
"Can my girlfriend come with me?" I hear him ask. wait am I his girlfriend? He hung up. "Kitten you can come with me for the interview!" He was very excited.
"Cool. Wait...Kitten?"
"Oh yeah, um I was thinking maybe that could be you cute little nickname, do you like it?" He asked
"I love it." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Let's go wake up the lads." Harry said with a touch of evil in his eyes
"You want to throw water in their face don't you?" I smile
"Yeah I kind a do. " He laughed.
Me and Harry fill 2 buckets with water one for me and one for Harry. I first go into Louis and Liam's room and get their electronic off their beds. Then into Zayn and Niall's and do the same.
We go into Louis and Liam's room first.
"Ready?" I whisper.
"Ready." Harry whispers back.
We dump the water on them. They shoot up out of their wet bed. We quickly run into the bathroom and grabbed the other 2 buckets and run to Zayn and Niall's room and do the same thing. They chase us Into the living room. I hide behind Harry. We're all laughing now.
"Guys we have to go down town for an interview today, and Kittens going with us." Harry informed them.
"Wait," Louis asked. "Who's Kitten?"
"Oh yeah, it's Kenzie's nickname."
"That's cute." Niall said.
"Well I'm going to get dresses." I kiss Harry and walk into my room.
I never thought I would be so happy. I thought I would die because I had no where to live. This is the happiest I've been in 2 years. I walk back to the living room where Harry was.
"Hey Kitten, I like calling you that." He smiles.
I smile back.
"Are you ready for the interview?" He asked us.
I nod my head and we go to the interview. They had Me and Harry go in one room. Zayn and Louis in one and Liam and Niall another one for now.
"So Harry, this is your girlfriend?" The interview asked him
"Yes, this is Mackenzie." He said grabbing my hand.
"Tell me how you to met."
"Well," I say. "Me and my terrible boyfriend and I broke up witch I'm glad. Anyways I had no where to live the motel I was staying was the same one Harry was. The motel kicked me out I was going to get my stuff when I bumped into Harry like the sweet guy he is he let me stay with him and the boys."
"Harry that is very sweet of you. Oka fan asks do you have any nicknames for each other?"
"Well I started to call Kenzie Kitten actually this morning." Harry told the interviewer
"Awe I like that, another fan asked what is your guys favorite hobby?"
Right then Louis walked in. "Well I would say there favorite hobby would be kissing." Then he leaves the room laughing.
Me and Harry start to blush
"Could you tell us more about what Louis said?" She's giggling.
"Well um..." Harry trying to get out the right words.
Louis barges in again "all night last night, all night they were making out."
"Louis I'm going to kill you!" Harry says while chasing Louis. I had no other choice but to run after Harry I didn't want to set there.
We chased Louis all over the set of the show. Louis laughing, Harry angry and I'm out of breath. Finally Harry tackles Louis after 10 minutes of chasing him.
When we get back home Harry tackles Louis again and I throw this mushy crap on him.
Later that night we was all setting together watching tv Harry had his arm around me, I was running my fingers through his beautiful curly hair. Harry put two fingers on my chin and turns my face to meet his. Gently puts his lips on mine. I don't care if the other guys are watching.
"You guys are so cute." Zayn tells us.
"Yeah we are." Harry agreed.

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