Chapter 22

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Kenzie's pov
Harry wraps his arms around my waist as We go to sleep. He kissed my head
"Goodnight beautiful."
He grabs my hand from under the blanket and held it all night.

I feel his warm lips press into mine, I slowly open my eyes to see Harry hovering over me.
"Good morning kitten." He gave me a cheeky smile.
"Morning Harry."
He rolls back beside me, "I got you a surprise." He did that cheeky smile again
"What did you do." I laughed
"Umm..." right then baby Lux ran into our room
"Can I come in now Harry?" She whispered
"Shh not now my lux." He whispered back
I laughed a set up and smiled at Harry picking up Lux
"When did you get here." I cooed tickling Lux
"My mom needed to do someone hair, so she gave to me you guys." She giggled
I get out of bed and grab Lux from Harry
"What time is it baby?" I asked giving him a quick kiss
"Ten."He said kissing back
"Ooooh." Lux said
We laugh
"My mommy told me that you guys are in love, are you?"
I look at Harry and smile, "yes." I say slowly
"What's in love mean." She asked
We go and set on the bed
Harry starts to explain, "it's where you love some one so much that it hurts, you always want to keep her safe all the time.  You want to be with her all the time." He looks deep into my eyes
"Ok." She laughed
I put her down so she could go play with her toys she brought
"I'm going to get in the shower." I give Harry a peck on the cheek before I get into the shower.
In the middle of my shower I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist
"Harry what are you doing?" I asked
"Being with you." He whispered
"What about Lux?"
"I gave her to Louis."
I laughed
"Your so good with her. You going to be a great mom." He said turning me around
"Your going to be a great dad." I whispered
"You just met her and she loves you. But I love you more."
"I love you too." 
He gently presses his lips into mine and runs his hands up and down my back
His tongue begged for entrance, and I let it in.  I Wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him.  He gently bit my bottom lip and I let out a soft moan.  He begins to suck on my lips
" babe, I got to talk to you." He said pulling away
"Later." I smashed my lips back into his
His hand went down my back and grabbed my butt
"I want you to rock me." He smirked
"I see what you did there." I laughed
"Babe" he groaned
"Harry we're babysitting." I said
"Louis has her."
"Later." I said 
After our shower Lux ran up to us, "can we go to the park?" She asked
"Of course we can." Harry replied
"Yay!" She cheers
I grabbed her car seat and put it in Harry's car. I got Lux all buckled in and sat in the front beside Harry.
Harry puts one hand on the steering wheel and the other in my hand.
"Harry?" Lux asked
"Yes." He said
"Can we get ice cream?"
"Of course."
We get to the park and there is no paparazzi there, yet.
Couple minutes later paparazzi show up and start to ask if Lux is our child
After being it asked about 10 times Harry got fed up with it, "ok, me and Mackenzie did not have a child. Lux is my hair dressers little girl, we are trying to have a good time so if you would kindly leave we would appreciate that."
Surprisingly they left. 
"I'm sorry baby, they will probably be roomers now."
"It's fine babe."
"Will you push me on the swings please." Lux asked
We nod our head and walk over to the swings with Lux.
"Hop on." I say
I start swinging her and look over to see Harry on his phone
"Smile." He said holding up his phone
We both loo at Harry's phone and smile.
"Beautiful" he smiled
We get back in the car and drive to the ice cream place. Of course there was a couple of paparazzi there. 
"What do you want sweetie?" Harry asked lux
"Chocolate please."
"What do you want kitten?"
"You wanna split a hot fudge Sunday?" He asked
"I'd love to."
"Ok, a chocolate and a hot fudge Sunday." He told they waitress
"That will be $4.59." Harry handed her the money
"Here you go sir."
"Thank you."
"Here lux." He gave her the ice cream
We go sit on a bench and eat our ice cream. 
After we eat our ice cream we got back home.  We walk into the door and see Louise sitting on the couch with the rest of the boys
"Mommy." Lux yelled running to her
We sat in the living room for a while just talking. Harry kept making wired faces at me and I would laugh
"Your an idiot." I said playfully hitting his arm
"Ow. That hurt." He whined
"Oh come on."
"You got to kiss it. " he pouted
I kiss his arm, "happy?" I asked
"Ok I better get going, come on Lux." Lou said getting up
We all said out good byes. Harry and Louis was standing by the door
"Hey, have you told her yet?" Louis whispered to Harry.  He didn't do a good job at whispering because I heard him. 
Harry shook his head, "No, but I'm telling her tonight." That was hard to hear
I shouldn't be listen to their conversations, but what does Louis mean by "have you told her yet."
What is Harry going to tell me tonight. Is he going to break up with me? Is he leaving me?  Or is it good news? Are we going on a trip?
No, I need to stop. I will find out soon. 
Now I'm worried, what if it is bad news I can't live without him.  I love him so much, more than anything in the world. I'll find out soon.
Me and Harry are laying in bed and on our phones.  It's almost midnight and he still hasn't told me yet, maybe I should mention it
"Babe, look what I posted on Instagram." He said smiling
I look and he posted the picture of me and Lux with the caption, my girls
"Your so gorgeous." He smiled
I kiss his cheek, "Harry, in the shower you said you needed to talk to me." I couldn't handle it. I needed to know
"Oh yeah." He sat up and I sat up with him
"This is going to be hard to say." He mumbled
He turns to me and grabs my hand.
"Before I tell you this I want you to know that I love you Mackenzie with all my heart. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever told you."
Oh god, it's bad news
"Ok, last week management called and told us that..." he paused "Me and the boys will be going on tour in four weeks."
I feel my heart drop down to my feet, I couldn't talk
"Oh." I managed to get out
I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't. I feel a warm tear fall down my cheek
"Come here baby." Harry holds out his arms
I wrap my legs around his waist and barrie my face in the crook of his neck and let my tears out. I can't believe it, he's going on tour Im not going to be with him all the time
He pets my head, "it will be alright kitten. We can call each other and Skype."
I lift my head, "you won't be able to hold me."
I see a tear fall down his cheek
"And kiss me."
He pulled me in agin for a warm hug
"We'll be alright." I say, "we can do this. Right?"
He nods his head, "I love you so much Mackenzie, nothing will ever change that."
"I love you too Harry."
"Come on lest get some sleep"
That didn't work to well, I couldn't sleep and I new Harry couldn't. He was tossing and turning, he didn't move in his sleep only if I move away from his touch then he'll move closer.
I'm going to miss his touch, his kiss, his cuddles.
I feel Harry's hand snake around my waist onto my butt, and back to my waist. His touch felt so good. I wanted to moan.   I flipped around and got on top of him
"You want me, don't you Styles?" I smirked 
He bites his lips, "god yes." He moans
I smashed my lips into his and grind my hips on his
"Oh god, Mackenzie." He moaned
He flipped me over so he's on top. "Just one thing." He smirked
"What's that daddy."
"I'm the boss."

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