Chapter 26

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Kenzie's pov
I feel a gentle  kiss on my forehead.  I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm on top of Harry and he's playing with my hair
"Good morning baby girl." He kissed my forehead again
"Morning." I roll over so I'm on the bed, but still in his arms
"So what's the plan for today?" I asked
"It's a secret." He smirked
"Ugh fine." I groaned 
"I love you baby girl."
"I love you too. "
I sit up as Harry sits up with me, "I'm going to take a shower"
"No stay." He grabs my arm
I roll my eyes "really?"
"Please love, we have all day. " he pouts
"Ugh fine." I groans as I get back in bed
I made the right decision. I love laying with him, he always holds me so close. He kissed me and I kissed him back.
"This is going to such a magical week Mackenzie."
I smile, "I know, your the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. "
" Your the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for."   He kissed my noes.
I lay my head on his chest and he plays with my hair
"Baby, why did you choose me?" I asked
"What do you mean kitten?"
"Out of everyone in the world, you picked me. Why?" I explained to him my question
"Mackenzie, I chose you because your funny, your smart, your adorable, your beautiful and the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. We were meant to be together. I love you so much. "
I smile, "I love you too baby."
"Ok, I'm getting in the shower now." I say getting up
"Wait baby, I want to come." He chases after me
We get in the shower and he wraps his hands around me "After this do you want to get some lunch?"
"I'd love to babe." I kissed his cheek
We got out of the shower and we got dressed
"Harry, I don't know what to wear cuz you won't tell my what we're doing."  I complain
"Just wear something nice. " he said
"But how nice?" I asked
"Babe, it doesn't matter what you wear, the night will still be as perfect."
I end up putting on a lace shirt and a skirt.
"How do I look?"  I spun around showing him my outfit
"You look perfect baby." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. He put his noes on mine. "Like always." He whispered
"You look pretty good yourself." I added
"Thank you, now are you ready to go?" He asked pulling away
"Ready." I take his hand in mine and we walk out of our hotel.
"Babe where are we going?" I asked
"We are going to a restaurant right now. " he answered
I grab his hand as he drives to the unknown restaurant.
"Harry," I start
"Yes kitten?"
"I just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me and being such a great boyfriend. I love you." I quickly kiss his cheek
"Your welcome baby girl, I try to be the best for you." He kisses me cheek back
"We're here!" He exclaimed while we pull into a restaurant. I'm not sure what the name was because it was in French
"This is so beautiful Harry." I take his hands in mine.
"There's more baby." He said
"Awe babe, you do to much for me."
"Mackenzie, I would to anything for you."
"Thank you Harry, I love you so much." I kiss his cheek
After lunch we got back into the car and drove somewhere again.
We pull into a large parking lot with many cars
"Harry, can you please tell me where we are?" I pout putting my head on his shoulder
"Okay, I'll tell you."   I perk up
"We are at the Eiffel Tower!" He exclaimed
"Oh my god Harry!" I squeal "you the best!"  I slowly lean in for a kiss. He cups my cheeks in his hand and gives me a gently kiss
"Let's go baby girl."
I grab his hand and we walk up to the Eiffel Tower
"Harry, it's so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." He whispers tightening his grip on my hand
"Come on kitten, let's go to the top."
It took a long time to get all the way up at the top, but it was worth it. The view was so beautiful
"Harry, look at this. It's so wonderful and beautiful."
He didn't look, he kept staring at me the whole time.
"Harry, enjoy the view."
"Oh, I'm enjoying it alright. " he joked
I playfully hit his arm.
"Okay, I'm sorry baby." He smiles
"Mackenzie, I need to talk to you." He takes both of my hands in his.
"Mackenzie, this past year with you has been the best year of my life. People might say we are rushing into things, but I don't think we are. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you. "

I started to feel my heart beating really fast, what's going to happen
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you." My heart beats faster, is he going to
"Mackenzie Nicole Peters," he gets down on one knee. My heart pounds even more.
"Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

A tear slowly falls down my cheek. I cover my hands with my mouth. I slowly nod yes
"Yes?" He asked
"Yes" I say
"Wait, you just said yes." A giant smile grows on our faces
"yes!" I scream "Yes yes yes. A million times yes!" I shout and everyone around us claps
I jump into his arms and he spins me around.
"We're going to get married." He whispered
"Yeah, we are." I whispered back
"I love you so much Mackenzie."
"I love you so much Harry."
He cupped my cheeks and he smashes his lips into mine. I can't believe I'm going to get married to the love of my life.

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