Chapter 16

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Harry's pov
"Babe, come on,I'm excited." Mackenzie squeals pulling my arm.
"Kitten, hold on. I don't even have a shirt on yet." I say pulling my shirt off the bed.
"I know baby, I'm excited to explore with you." She lays her head on my bare chest.
I kiss her head, "Me too."
"Ok, you can get ready now." She says lifting her head off of my chest.
"No," I push her back onto my chest. "I want to stay like this."
"Yesterday I forgot to tell you, you look really sexy in my clothes." I smirked
"Really?" She asked.
"Maybe I should do it more often." She smirked
"I'd like that." I smirked back.
"Ok babe, come on get ready." Kenzie whined.
I put my shirt on and put my phone in my pocket and we walked out the door hand in hand.
"What do you wanna do first?" I ask
"Im hungry, Harry."
We go to tgif and eat lunch
"Wanna go shopping after this?" Mackenzie asked me
"Sure kitten."
"Your hair looks so fluffy." Mackenzie runs her fingers through my hair.
"Tonight I can't wait to cuddle with you." I kiss her cheek
"Me neither babe." She kissed me back.
"Babe do you think I need to go to the gym." Kenzie asked me
"What no, well if you want to." I put my hand on hers
"Well I mean, I'm getting fa..." I cut her off before she could finish
"Hey don't say that baby, your perfect just the way you are. Don't ever say that, your beautiful." I protested.
"Ok, ok clam down." She jokes
"baby, I love you. You don't need to change." I rub her hand.
"I love you too Harry." She kisses my cheek
"Excuse me." We here a squeaky voice say. We turn around to see a little girl with a pen and paper
"Can I get a autograph?" The little girl stuttered
I bend down at her hight, "of course sweetie. What your name?" I ask taking the pen from her
"I'm Lilly." She smiles.
I sign the paper and hand it to Mackenzie so she can sing too.
"Here you go Lilly." I hand the paper back to her.
"Thank you Harry."
"That was so cute!" Kenzie squeals
"Yeah, I love meeting young fans." I say taking Mackenzie's hand in mine.
"I love meeting your fans. I thought they would hate me, but they seem like they like me."
"They love you kitten." I assure her.
We was was walking to a store when Kenzie said, "oh my god."
"What, what's a matter?" I take her other hand in mine
"I think that's my old friend." She says pulling away from my grip.
She starts walking towards him.
"Austin?" She said when she walked up to him.
"Oh my gosh, Mackenzie!" The guy shouts
He pulls her in for a hug I thought but then he kisses her on the cheek! That's when I start to get angry.
"How have you been?" She asked him.
"Good, what about you?" He asked back
"Wonderful, oh Austin this is my boyfriend Harry." Mackenzie says
"Nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.
I put my arm around Mackenzie to let him know that she's mine, and only mine.
Austin looks Mackenzie up and down
"You look nice."
"Thank you." She replied
I don't like the way he looked at her at all. I pull Mackenzie closer to me
"I better get going, I have to meet someone." Austin said pulling in Mackenzie in for another kiss on the cheek.
He walks away. "I didn't like that." I mumbled under my breath.
"What baby?" Kenzie says looking into my eyes
"I don't like how he looked at you, and touched you and kissed you." I confessed.
"Someone's jealous." she teased.
"Yes I am, Mackenzie your mine." I pull her closer to me
"This hair is mine, these lips are mine, these cheeks are mine. These arms are mine, these hands are mine. This waist is mine. Mackenzie your mine and I want every one to know that." I gently push my lips into Kenzie's. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck.
She pulls away, "Harry, he's just a friend. And plus, he's not straight."
"Oh." I feel my cheeks get red. "I'm sorry kitten, I didn't...." she cuts me off
"It's fine Harry, actually it's kinda cute when you get jealous." She says bitting her lip.
"Come on let's go." I say taking her hand
"Babe me feet are killing me." Kenzie whines
"Wanna piggy back ride." I offer
She slowly nods her head.
After she jumps on my back I carry her to my moms house.
It was getting dark so paparazzi came out.
"Harry, is that your girlfriend?" One shouted
"Oh come on, we've been dating for almost 4 months now." I shouted back.
We finally escaped the paparazzi when we got home. My parents and Gemma was already asleep.
"Want to watch a movie baby?" I asked
"Yeah sure."
Mackenzie sat in between my legs while I played with her soft beautiful hair, not really paying attention to the movie.
"Yes Kitten."
"Why are your hand so big." She asked placing her hand flat on mine.
"To keep you safe, warm, and to hold you and never let go." I answer
Mackenzie smiles, "that was sweet."
I kiss her head, "I love you."
"I love you too."

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