Chapter 27

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Kenzie's pov
I walk into me and Harry's apartment "I'm so happy we are getting married." I say.
"Me to baby."
He gently pushes his lips into mine and we have a passionate kiss. I run my finger through his curly hair.
We pull away from the kiss, "Do you want to tell the fans about this?" I asked
"Well, I kinda had a plan on how to tell them. " he answered
"What's your plan?"
"Well we take a picture of us holding hands, and your hand will have to ring on it.   How's my plan?"  
I laugh, "I love it." 
He takes his hand in mine and we both take pictures and post them on Instagram with no caption to make the fans confused.
"Do you want to watch a movie baby?" Harry asked me
"I'd love to. "
I put on one of Harry's sweatshirts that's my favorite and we lay down on the bed and put in "The Notebook."
I lay my head on Harry's chest and curl up into a ball next to him while he plays with my hair. 
"You look so cute kitten." He smiles
I smile back, "so do you baby."
"Let's see how the fans are doing. " I grab my phone and go on Instagram
There is so many comments saying "omg are they engaged." And "I'm so confused"
"We're so funny." Harry laughed
"When are we actually going to tell them?" I asked
"Next interview." He answered quickly
"So you had this all planed out?" I asked
"Of course I do baby." He gives me a quick kiss on my cheek.

All of the sudden a crash of lightning goes off.
I jump and Harry tighten his grip on me
Then thunder, "It's okay baby." He assures me
Then it start to raining like crazy and the wind picks up. It thunder and lightnings. "Harry, I don't like it." I hide my face in the crook of his neck
"I know baby, it's okay. I've got you."
The power suddenly shuts off.
"Harry!" I shriek
"Shh, it's okay baby I'm going to go get some flashlights so we can see." He starts to move away.
"No! Stay, I'm scared." I admit grabbing on to him.
"Kitten, it's alright. I'm just going to go into the kitchen to get a couple flashlights. Your safe."
" I would feel much safer if I was in your arms."  I pout
"Baby, I'm just going to go into the kitchen, okay?" 
"Okay, I guess." He gives me many kisses before walking into the kitchen
I hear a big crash coming from the kitchen. 
"Harry!" I shout
"I'm okay Mackenzie, I just dropped something."
I smile at him clumsiness.
Shortly he walks back into our room with two flashlights.
He clicks one on, "there now I can see my beautiful princess."
"Awe, so cute. Now get back in here." I demanded
He climbs back in bed with me and I lay my head back into his chest.  The storm started to calmed down a little.
"Are you okay baby?" He asked
"Yeah, I think."  I answered.
"Good, I don't want my baby to be scared." He kissed my forehead
The thunder and lightning would come back off and on but Harry calmed me down. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. 
The stormed calmed down and I was getting sleepy
"Harry, I'm tired." I whined
"You can go to sleep kitten. I'm going to make sure everything's okay."
"Ok goodnight baby." I say
"Goodnight. "
Me and Harry were both asleep and the storm was pretty much over just a little rain now. All of the sudden the tv turns on and it wakes both of us up and it scares me.
"It's ok babe, the power just turned back on." He clicked off the tv
"I know. It kinda scared me. " I giggled
"Come on baby, let's get some rest." I lay my head back on his chest and fall right to sleep.

I wake up to Harry kissing me.
"Good morning baby." I whisper
"Morning kitten." He whispered back
I look down at my hand to see the beautiful ring. It's so beautiful,
"Looks at this ring, I can't wait to show everyone." I said staring at it
"When are we going to tell the boys?" I asked
"Want to do it when we get home?" Harry suggested
"Sure, why not. "
"Oh by the way baby, the night we get home I need to go to the studio to record some songs." He said
"Oh yeah, your tour is coming up soon." I look down
"Babe I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it. We need to focus on the time we have left together. Just forget about that for now. "
"Well I mean, you're the one the that brought it up." I joked
He laughs, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Anyways, what are we doing today?" I asked
"I was thinking going out for dinner." He grabs my hand underneath the blankets.
"Sounds good. "
"Harry, I have a question." I say
"What's your question?"
"Well I'm not saying we need to do it now, I would like to wait until we are married, but do you want to have kids?" I asked
"Of course I want to have kids Mackenzie.  I can't wait to start a family with you. I love you baby girl." He puts his arm around me.
"I love you." I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck.
I feel a warm tear drip onto me. I look up to see tears filling Harry's eyes.
"Harry, what's a matter?" I ask taking his hand in mine.
"Nothing's kitten, I just can't believe that we are getting married." He smiles whipping away a tear
"Awe babe, I'm so happy too." I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head back into the crook of his neck.
He runs his hands up and down my back and we kinda just stay like that for a while.
"Babe, I'm going to get into the shower." I say getting out of bed
"Wait for me baby, I want to come." He gets outs of bed and chases after me. He comes behind me and grabs my waist. He pulls me back into his tight embrace.
"Harry, lets me go. I need to take a shower." I laugh and try to get out of of his arms
"Never you're mine." He tickles me
"Harry... stop..." I say in between laughs.
"Okay, I'll stop." He laughs
I turn around so I'm facing him.  I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly. 
"You're so cute kitten." He kisses the top of my head
I smile, "come on let's get in the shower. "


"You ready babe?" Harry asked
"Yep, lets go."   I grab Harry's hand
We pull up to a restaurant were paparazzi were, they must have followed us.
"Babe, don't answer any of there questions." He told me before getting out of the car.
He grabs my hand and we push through the paps.
"Harry, Mackenzie are you guys engaged?" Some screamed at us
"Harry how are you and Mackenzie. " more yelled. We just kept our heads down and didn't talk to them.
"Harry, why did you choose her. Out of all the beautiful celebrities you could of had, why did you choose some nobody?"  That made Harry angry. He quickly shot his head up
"What did you just say?"  He shouted to the pap that said it
"Harry," I put my hand in his chest trying to push him back "come on, forget about it. It's fine." 
"No Mackenzie, it's not fine." He whispers to me
"Listen, I love Mackenzie with all my heart, you can't say that about her. You know she doesn't need this, she doesn't need paparazzi following her everywhere she goes just because of our feelings for each other." He yells. "She is beautiful, so don't say that she's not. You need to leave us alone so we can have a peaceful week. We came here to take a break from everything, but I guess it didn't work now did it. Don't ever talk about Mackenzie like that again."  
He turns around, grabs my hand and we walk away.
In the restaurant we didn't talk about what just happened but when we got home we did
"Harry you didn't need to do that." I shout as we walk into our hotel room.
"Yes I did Mackenzie, I couldn't let them talk to you like that."  He yelled back 
"Do you know how many things are going to be in magazines and T.V shows and ughh. Bad things are going to happen because of this. You could of just said nothing." I shout
"I couldn't of just said nothing, I was defending you!  I can't believe the way you're acting about this. All I did was stick up for my Baby girl" he throws down his jacket. "I'm sorry for trying to be a good boyfriend!" He yells
"If you were a good Boyfriend you wouldn't make little problems into big problems! I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." I stomp into our room and grab a pillow and a blanket and lay on the couch.
"Fine," Harry shout slamming the bedroom door. "Good night!"

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