Chapter 28

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Kenzie's pov

It's midnight and I'm crying into my pillow. Why did I say those things to Harry. I didn't mean it, I thought of what might happen and I took it way out of proportion. I should of thanked him, not yelled at him for sticking up for me. I should be thankful for what he did. I hate myself and he probably hates me.
I couldn't stop crying. I don't want to wake up Harry, but I can't sleep because I'm not in his arms. I really messed up. I want to be back in his warm arms, I want him to hold me tight like he used to. I feel terrible for what I did. I know it's only for tonight I hope, but I've never not been in his arms since we've been together. And I know that I'm not going to be in his arms for a whole month and then more months, but I want to be in his arms for as long as I can.  
I hear a door open but I ignore it, I kept crying and I couldn't stop.
"Mackenzie?" I hear a familiar voice croak
I look up to see Harry standing beside the couch with tears falling from his eyes.
"Harry." I whisper
He kneels down and I set up.  He wraps his arms around my waist and gave me a big hug.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't want to see you cry ever again.  I shouldn't have  said the stuff I said.  I'm so sorry kitten." He cries
"No Harry I'm sorry, I was the one who started the fight. I should have thanked you, not yelled at you. You are a good boyfriend, your the best.  I'm so sorry."  Many tears fall down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry kitten. I love you."  He whispers
"I'm sorry too. I love you too. "  I kept crying
"Baby it's okay, please stop crying.  I'm not mad, everything is okay. "
"Are we okay?" I asked
"Of course baby."  He pets my head
"Good." I mumble into the crook of his neck. 
"Baby look at me. " Harry says lifting my head up. 
"Yeah."  I mumble
"Please stop crying I hate seeing you cry, it makes me cry. Don't worry I'm not mad, I love you. Okay?"
"Okay." I nod
"Come on kitten, lets go to bed." 
I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.  I lay my head back on his shoulder as Harry carries me to bed with him.  He carefully lays me in bed and he crawls in bed with me. I lay my head in his chest and the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was, "good night baby girl. I love you."

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and no Harry next to me. I walk out into the kitchen to see Harry cooking.
At first he didn't see me so I go up and wrap my arms around his waist from behind
"Hey baby girl." He whispered
"Hi." I whispered back
He turns around and grabs my waist. He pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips touch and it's like magic.
"Good morning." He says after pulling away from the kiss
"Morning." I say back
"Did you sleep well love?" He asked flipping a pancake
"Fine, after I came back to bed." I take a sip of my juice that Harry has set out for me.
"Harry," I say
"Yes love."
"Thank you." I say hugging him again
"For what kitten?" He asked
"For defending me, I shouldn't have gotten mad.  I love you."  I lay my head on his shoulder
"Anytime baby, anytime. "

"Harry, these pancakes are yummy."
"Thank you kitten " he smiles
"Oh and not to make you sad, but today's the last day in Paris. We have to leave tomorrow." He said looking sad
"Oh okay, we might want to pack today."
"Yeah, but right now let's just have a good last day in Paris. "
After we eat breakfast Harry picks me up and starts carrying me into our room.
"Harry what are you..." he cuts me off
"You'll see baby."
When we get into the room he gently lays me on top of the bed.
"Close your eyes baby." He demanded, so I do and when I open them I see Harry hovering over me.
"Harry, what are you doing. " I giggled
"Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?" I asked
"Ready for," he smirked. "The tickle monster!" He laughed
"Harry!" I laugh.
"Stop what, I'm not doing anything." He laughs
I grab his wrist and pull them away from my waist, I flip him over so I'm on top of him.
His eyes widen, "Wow, you're strong."
"Oh shut up."
Cup his cheeks in my hands and smash my lips into his lips.  He grabs my hips and pulls them onto him.  I quickly pull away from the kiss
"I'm going to take a shower." I giggle
"Ugh Mackenzie stop teasing me, I want you so bad."
"Maybe later." I laugh as I skip to the bathroom
In the shower I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist
"Hi baby girl." He whispered
"Hi Harry."  I whisper back
"So how about now?" He asked running his hand up and down my back.
"Maybe later." I giggle
"Mackenzie!" He groans
"Ha, I like teasing you." I laugh
"You're a meanie." He pouts
"Hold on." I laugh
After our shower Harry grabs my waist and looks deep into my eyes, "How about now?" He smirked
"Now is perfect." I give him a gentle kiss
He grabs cups my cheeks in his hands and he smashes his lips into mine. I wrap my hands around his waist and give into his magical kiss
"Let's make one last memory in Paris."

AN; Hey guys I know I've never written an authors note but here's on! So first I want to say thank you for everyone that reads my story and for everyone that votes. You guys should go and follow my niece morgand224586 shes a really good writer so go follow her and read her story! Thanks again everyone! 

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