Chapter 20

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Harry's pov
I wake up to seeing Mackenzie in my arms sleeping like an angle. She's so beautiful, I love her so much. Her head on my chest, her arm around my waist and her leg across me. I kiss her head. She slowly opens her eyes
"Good morning babe." She whispered
"Morning kitten."     "Last night was amazing." I smirked
"Yes it was."
"You're so good, I can't decried how...uh." I moaned
She smiled, "how good I am in bed?"
"Exactly." I said
She giggles, "you too babe."
I put my arm around her. "The fair is today, wanna go?" I ask
"I'd love to." She replied
"If we're going to go I need to get in the shower." She said.
"Kitten stay, I wanna cuddle." I whined
"But..." she started to say
I stuck out my bottom lip and fluttered my eyes at her.
"Fine." She groaned
"Yay!" I cheered
"Only because I love cuddling with you."
After about ten minutes of cuddling Mackenzie got up and into the shower.
I get up and go into the kitchen to see Liam.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey buddy."
"Hey thanks for leaving yesterday, I wanted it to be me and Mackenzie's day." I said.
"Any time." he replied
"What time did you get back home. " I asked as I grab a banana.
"Well when we got home it sounded like there was an earthquake going on in your room." He laughed
I smile, "yeah."
"So you and Mackenzie are getting pretty serious." He said.
"Yeah. Liam, I think she's the one." I said
"Really?" He asked.
"Wait no. I know she's the one."
"Glad you found her." He said

I walk into our room and slowly take off my clothes. I open the shower door carefully, I go behind Mackenzie and I wrap my arms around her.
"Hi Harry." She said putting her arm on mine.
"Hi." I whispered
"What are you doing?" She asked
"Being with you." I answered.
She lays her head on my shoulder.
"I need to shower." She whines
"I'll shower with you then." I whispered
"Fine with me." She whispered back
"I love you."
"I love you too."
After our shower we get dressed.
"Baby, I don't know what to wear." Mackenzie groans
"Wear something sexy." I smirked
She puts on a crop top and shorts.
I put my hands on her waist, "You look amazing."
She blushed, "you do too babe."
"Ready to go." I asked
I grab her hand and we walked to the fairgrounds. When we got there Mackenzie saw this game with a bear as a prize.
"Harry, look at that cute bear." She squealed
"What me to win it for you." I asked
She slowly nods  her head.
The game looked simple enough. Just hit balloons with a dart easy, right? Wrong it took me 10 try's and 30 dollars to win.
"Harry, it's ok you don't need to get me that." She said
"No it's fine. I want to win it for you."
Once I finally won it the bear for her she jumped into my arms
"Thank you Harry." She said wrapping her arms around my waist.
"No problem babe."
"Looked like you had a problem getting it." She laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go on the Ferris wheel." I grabbed her hand and walk to the Ferris wheel.
When we get to the top I grabbed my phone and take a picture.
"Awe we look so cute." She cooed
"We always do kitten."
I go on Instagram and post the picture we took with the caption. "Bear and kitten."
Before it went down I snuck a kiss on her cheek.
"what was that for?" She asked
"We haven't kissed yet today." I said
"When we get on the ground we can kiss." She smirked.
We go over into the grass underneath a tree, I grab her waist,
"now how about that kiss."
I smashed my lips into hers. She runs her fingers through my hair. I sneak my tongue into her mouth and bite her bottom lip.
She pulls away, "there, now we've kissed today."
"Come on let's finish this at home." I smirked
I grab her hand as we slowly walk to the exit of the fairgrounds.  We were half way there when we heard a familiar voice behind us. 
"Well look who we have here." The voice said.
We slowly turn around to see Mackenzie's ex boyfriend Brian. 
"Oh god." I hear Mackenzie mumble under her breath. 
I step in front of her,  "what do you want?" I asked him.
"Oh I don't know maybe revenge for last time." He said
"What are you..."  he cut me off by slamming his fist into my cheek.  I feel blood drip down my cheek.
Mackenzie steps in front of me, "you can't do that to him!" She shouts
"Yes I can, what are you going to do about it." He replied
Before she could come up with a comeback he slammed his right and left fist into her face.   She falls back into my arms, she's unconscious. 
I wanted to hit him back so bad, but I needed to get Mackenzie home and take care of her. 
I give him a mean look and flip him off before I pick Mackenzie up in my arms and rush home.  
I swing open the door and rush her into our room.  
"I need an ice pack." I yelled
"Guys get in here, I need your help." I panicked
The boys run into the room, they look at Mackenzie in my arms and then up to me.
"Oh my god what happened?!" Niall asked
"Brain." I said
I feel a something warm roll down my face.  It's either blood or a tear.
"Harry your bleeding!" Louis exclaimed
"I don't care, we need to take care of Mackenzie." I cry
At this point I'm crying, why did this have to happen to her, why not me
Liam rushes in with an ice pack
I gently lay Mackenzie in our bed and put the ice pack on her head.
"What else do I do?" I Yelled
"I don't know just wait for her to wake up I guess" Niall replied
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He said
"No! I'm staying here with my baby girl." I cried
I look down at her and start to cry.
"I'm so sorry kitten, I should've protected you." I said to her unconscious body.
I see a tear drop on to her body.   I carefully get into bed with her and kiss her head 
" I'm so sorry." I repeat while petting her hair
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have let this happen into you."
About 30 minutes later she stirs in bed. I see her eyes slowly opens.
She slowly sits up but then falls back down.
"Harry what happened?" She asked confused
"Brian, he hit you."
"How do you feel?" I asked
"I have a terrible headache." She rubbed her head.
"Come here baby." I say holding out my arms.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you."
"Harry! Your bleeding!" She screams
"Still?" I asked
"Baby we need to get you better." She said getting up
I grab her waist and pull he back in bed
"No you need to rest, first you then me." I insisted
"I'll go to sleep and you get your self better." She said
"Ok" I lied
I stayed right by her side the whole time, never left. I made sure she was okay, comfortable and not in pain.
When she woke up she said, "Harry, you never took care of yourself."
"I needed to take care of you." I said kissing the stop where he hit her
"Come on let me take care of you." She said getting up
"Wait how are you feeling?" I asked
"Harry I'm fine, your not you have blood all over your face."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.
She sets me on the toilet and wets a wash rag to clean up my face.
When she turns around I can see tears in her eyes
I quickly stand up and wrap my arms around her
"It's ok baby." I say comforting her
"I'm so sorry Harry." She cries
"I'll be alright princes, it's okay." I assure her
"I'm so sorry he did this to you." She cries into my shoulder
I pet her head, "I'm okay baby girl."
I take my thumb and wipe away her tears.
"I'll be alright"
She takes the rag and wipes away the blood
"Baby you have a black eye!" She exclaimed
"I do?" I asked
"Let me kiss it." She bends down and gently kisses my eye.
"Did that hurt?" She asked
"You kisses make me feel better." I whispered
"Let me make you feel better." I said
I kiss her cheek where he hit her
"Kitten, I'm so sorry this happened to you, I should've protected you." I said
"Harry, it's ok."
"No it's not, that should've been me getting knocked out. Not you."
"Don't say that." She says grabbing my shoulders. "Harry, stop thinking you no good for me because you are. Your the most caring guy ever, you do so much for me, so stop thinking you don't." She yells. 
I gently kiss her trying not to hurt her.
"Did that hurt?" I asked
"Your kisses make me feel better." She smiled

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