Chapter 35

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Kenzie's pov

Hawaii was amazing and in more than one way, if you know what I mean. It was so magical, we didn't have any interruptions. Me and Bristol are out shopping right now while the boys do something together.

"Brist, I don't feel to good," I say as my stomach starts to feel bad.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I think I'm going to throw up," I run to the nearest bathroom as fast as I could and threw up.

"Oh my god Kenzie, are you okay?" Bristol says running after me.

"I don't know, I feel terrible," I say before throwing up some more.

"I wonder if I ate something bad," I suggested.

"Oh my god!" Bristol squeals.

"What?" I shout.

"Okay this is a really important question, did you and Harry, you know, while you guys were in Hawaii?" She smirked.

"Well of course we did, it was our honeymoon. How does that have anything to do with finding out what I ate?"

"Oh my god Kenz, you're so clueless!" She rolled her eyes at me.

"Bristol stop playing game, I'm sick, where are you going with this!" I'm starting to get irritated.

"Kenzie, you guys did it, you probably didn't use protection and you're throwing up. Do I have to spell it out for you!" She squeals.

"Oh my god!" My eyes widen when I figured out what she was talking about.

"Mackenzie, you're pregnant!" She shouts jumping up and down.

"Okay wait you don't know that yet," I say getting scared.

"Oh my god I have to by you a test!"

"Oh my god how will Harry react?" I say under my breath.

Me and Bristol are both freaking out, but in different ways. I'm scared to see how Harry react, honestly I'm just scared in general and Bristol is excited.

"Oh my god I'm going to be an aunt!" She screams.

"Okay Bristol chill out, we don't even know if I'm actually pregnant," I say putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Sweetie, I'm pretty sure you are. I'm going to by you a test,"

"In the middle of a clothing store?" I question her.

"Well we can go to a drug store and then bring it back here to see!" She screams.

"Oh my god what if Harry doesn't want kids?"

"He's going to be so happy Kenzie," I look up at her and she has a tear in her eye.

"Brist, I don't even know if I am yet," I chuckle.

"I have a feeling Kenz,"

~15 minutes later~

"Oh my god would it just tell me already! We've been in this Walmart bathroom for 15 minutes and people are probably starting to think we're stealing something!" I shout pacing back and forth. I'm so scared to see what it says, I want to be a mom but what if Harry doesn't want to be a dad.

"Oh my god Mackenzie!" Bristol screamed.

"What?" I run over to her.

"You're pregnant!" She shouts and hugs me tight.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a mom!" I start to cry

We celebrate for a while until I think about how I'm going to tell Harry.

"Oh my god wait, I need to stay at your house tonight," I say stop celebrating.

"Wait why, don't you want to tell you're husband that your going to have his baby?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but I want to tell him in a special way, I don't want him to find out by me throwing up," I explain.

"Okay yeah that's fine,"

"Okay I'm going to call him," I grab my phone out of my phone and call Harry.

"Hi kitten," Harry answers after a couple of rings.

"Hey Harry, uh I'm going to stay at Bristol's house tonight. Is that okay?" I say stuttering.

"Yeah that's fine baby, but why?" He asked getting suspicious.

"Uh well we found somethings that would be fun to do at a sleepover, kinda like the old days, you know?"

"Oh yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you," he said disappointedly.

"I love you too, bye,"

"Okay let's go to your house," I say to Bristol hanging up the phone.

We get some snacks and go to her house. She let me borrow a pair of her PJS and she held my hair for me as I puked. I'm so thankful to have her as my best friend.  In the morning I threw up a little more until I thought it was okay for me to go home and tell Harry about the big news.

"Thank you so much for everything Bristol," I give her a quick hug.

"Of course sweetie, call me if you need anything," she hugs me back.

I unlock the door to me and Harry's house, hesitantly I walk into our house.

"I'm home, Harry!" I call through the house.

"Hi kitten!" He greets me in the living room hugging me. 

"How was the sleepover?" He asked kissing me.

"Uh, it was great. We watched a bunch of chick flicks," I lied.

"Sounds fun," he smiles and gives me another kiss.

I walk out of the living room and he sits on the couch. I just need to tell him now.

"Hey Harry,"

"Yes Kenzie?" He asked looking back at me as I stand in the hall way between the living room and kitchen.

"Uh, didn't you say you um wanted kids one day?" I slowly say.

"Well of course I do," he says suspiciously.

"Well uh about when?" I don't even have a plan on telling him anymore I'm just going with it.

"Well I don't know, do you want to start trying?" He smirks a little.

"I don't think we need to," I whisper.

"What did you say?" He gets off the couch and walks over to me.

"How about we have a baby in about 9 months?" I smile.

"But that would mean you would have to be..." his eyes widen.

"Mmhm," I laugh at him.

"Wait are you, you're, wait, seriously!" He shouts.

"Harry, I'm pregnant!" I scream and jump in the air. 

"Oh my god! You're pregnant! I'm going to be a dad!" He picks me up in the air and kisses me all over. This is the happiest I've ever seen him.

Gently he puts me down and crouches down to my belly.  He places his hand on my stomach and kisses it.

"Hi little baby, I'm you're daddy and I promise I will love you no matter what," he whispers to me belly.

I look down at him and smile. He's going to be an amazing dad.


Hey guys I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've been so busy lately with school and stuff. I hope you liked the chapter and I hope you had a great thanksgiving and merry Christmas!!

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