Chapter 6

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Kenzie's pov

I wake in Harry's arms and my head on his bare chest. I softly put my lips on his to wake him up. Slowly he opens his eye.
In his cute morning voice he said, "good morning Kitten."
"Good morning."
He rolls me over so I'm under neath him. "What do you want to do." He smirks
My phone starts to ring, "answer my phone."
I slide out from under him and look at my phone.
"Harry." I wined
"Yes baby."
"Answer my phone it's Brian." I say in a disgusted voice. I toss him the phone. He answers and puts it on speaker so I can hear.
"Hello." Harry answers
"Hey, wait who his this?" Brian says madly.
"This is Harry."
"Well who is 'Harry' ". He said mocking Harry's accent.
"He is my boyfriend." I jumped in.
"So you ready got a boyfriend?" He said disgustedly.
"What do you want?" I snap at Brian.
"Your left a bunch of your crap hear, come pick it up, and don't bring 'Harry." He said mocking Harry's cute British accent once again. I hang up.
Harry has a scared look on his face.
"Get ready, your coming with me." I say.
"Good. I wouldn't let you go alone." He says laughing.
"Why not?" I ask when I start brushing hair.
"Well you never know,this could all just a trick to get you to come over so he can kidnap you and do more terrible thing to you." Harry does have a point.

When we go to Brian's house I drive since I know how to get there.
"Are you ready?" Harry ask me. I slowly nod my head. We walk up to the house. It's already giving me bad memories. I ring the door bell.
"I told you NOT to bring him." He is hold a box of my stuff.
"Well I did." I snapped at him.
"Here here's your crap." He throw the box and it hits me in the head. Stuff falls everywhere.
Harry steps in front of me. "Hey listen, I don't know who you think you are but you can't do that to Mackenzie!" He shouts at him.
"Yes I can," Brian says with an attitude "I've done it for two years."
That really made Harry mad, like I mean really really mad. Harry takes his right fist and slams it into Brian's cheek. Then the left fist into Brian's other cheek. Harry knocked out Brian. Harry stands over Brian body on the floor with anger in his eyes. The Harry blinks a couple times and realized what he has just done, he looks at me tears start rolling from his eyes. I run over to him to comfort him. He Barrie's his face in my shoulder and cry, I pet his head.
"Harry look at me." He didn't look.
"Harry look at me." Still nothing.
"Harold Edward Styles, look at me!"
Slowly he raises his head from my shoulder. His face is all red.
"Hey, baby it's going to be ok." I assure him.
"No it's not." He cried
"Yes it is, every thing will be alright."
"I don't want to lose you." he says barring his face back into my shoulder.
"Harry, your not going to loss me, I'm not going to leave." I say petting his head.
He lifts his head out again. "No not that, they're going to take me to jail, then I'll lose you." He cries.
"No your not going to jail, no one will know what happens." I keep petting his head.
"Yes they will, he will wake up and go to the cops." He said into my shoulder
"No, he won't he didn't even remember my name Harry don't worry."
The tears slow down. "Are you sure?"
"Baby I'm positive."
The tears stop but his face is all red. I take my thumb and wipe his tears away.
"Do you want to get some ice cream baby?" I ask him while one last tear rolls down his eye.
"What about frozen yogurt?" He ask.
"Anything for you."
When we get back from the fro yo place we walk in and Louis said. "You look like you've been crying lad what's a matter.
"Nothing." Harry denied.
Harry takes me Into his room.
"Thank you for making feel better kitten." He says kissing me on the cheek.
"You know what?" He asked me
"I love you Mackenzie."
"I love you Harry."

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