Chapter 29

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Kenzie's pov
"We're home!" He shout as we walk through the door dragging out bags behind us. I hide my hand in my pocket so the boys won't see that ring yet.
"Hey guys." The boys eyes were glued to the tv
"Guys we have to tell you something." Harry announces
They all turn around really quick, "what, what is it?" They asked
"Do you want to tell them?" Harry whispers to me
"Let's do it together." I whisper back
"Oh my god just tell us!" Niall yells
"We're getting married!" Me and Harry shouts together as I hold up my ring.
All the boys jump up off the couch and runs over to us to give us a hug
"Oh my god guys! I'm so happy for you!" Liam shouts
"Oh my god, how did you propose?" Louis asked
"I did it at the top of the Eiffel Tower."
I giggle at Harry, he looks so happy.
He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, "I'm so happy." He whispers
"Me too." I whisper back
"Awe." All the guys say at same time
We laugh, "come on let's unpack kitten." 
While we unpack Harry started at me the whole time.
"What?" I laugh
"Nothing you're just so beautiful." He smiles
I blush and put my hair behind my ears.
He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him filling the spaces between us.
"I love you baby girl." He whispers into my ear
"I love you too."
He starts kissing my neck, my body melts into his. The best thing about kissing him is that he makes you forget about everything that is happening around you. The only thing you focus on is that kiss.
I wrap my arms around his neck and gently pressed my lips into his.
His touch slowly creeps into my mouth as I run my finger through his hair.
"Do you want to take this to the bed." He smirked
I slowly nod my head yes.
Me and Harry were setting on the couch watching TV. Harry played with my hair the whole time.
"Your hair is so soft, kitten." He smiles
"I love you." I cooed
"I love you too baby girl."
"Harry, don't forget we have to go to the studio at 8:00." Louis says coming out of the kitchen.
"Yeah, I know." He complained
"Just saying, we're probably going to be there until eleven or twelve." He Louis says
"Okay, I know."
"I'm sorry kitten." He says
"Sorry for what, doing your job?" I ask
"No I'm sorry that we just got home from a magical week and now I have to leave." He says kissing my cheek softly
"Harry, it's ok. I love you." I coo
"I love you too, oh and I forgot." He says getting up
"Harry what are you doing?" I asked confused
"I got you another gift for you birthday and I ordered if online and it came while we were in Paris." He shouts from our room
"Here kitten, happy birthday" he hands me a box
I open it and see I white sweater inside. I open it up and it has all of Harry's tattoos on them.
"Awe Harry." I stand up and give him a big hug. "Thank you."
"You're welcome baby girl." He kisses my cheek.
I quickly put on the sweater and it's so soft on the inside.
"Awe baby you look adorable." Harry pulls out his phone and take a photo of me
"Thank you so much, I love you so so so much." I kiss his noes 
"And I love you so so so much." He kisses mine.
We set back down on the couch. I lay my head on his chest and I pull out my phone. I go on Instagram.  We set there for a really long time just cuddling.
"I love you so much baby girl. I never want anything bad happen to you." He kisses my head
"I love you too Harry."
"I'm so happy we are getting married." He says in a husky voice
"Me too, but when are we going to tell everyone?" I asked
"Oh do you want to call people now?" He asked setting up
"Sure." I grab my phone and he grabs his 
"Who should we call first?" He asked
"Well maybe our parents." I laugh
"Oh yeah, that would be good to start with." He laughs back
After we called everyone it was about 8:00.
"Kitten I got to go soon." Harry says getting up from the couch
"Ok. I love you."
"I love you too." He kisses my head
"I'll be back in a couple hours baby girl. you'll be okay here alone, right?" He says worried
"Harry I'll be fine, don't worry."
"I know baby. I'm sorry, I just want you to be safe." He hugs me
"I will be safe, I love you." I say giving him a quick kiss
"I love you too."
After Harry and the boys left I went into our room and put on some comfy clothes. I went back into the living room and turn on the T.V. My favorite show Friends was on. I watched that for about an hour then Fresh Prince of Bel Air came on. I really didn't pay attention to the show anymore, I was on my phone. I went on Instagram and scrolled through my feed until I get a text from a unknown number.
It says: you look so beautiful, I'm so happy I get to see you pretty little face.
I replied: I'm sorry you must have the wrong number.
I go back on Instagram but right when I get back on it I get a text from the same number.
It says: oh no Mackenzie, I don't have the wrong number
Who is this, How do they know my name?
Who is this. I text back
Mackenzie I think you know who this is
I was about to answer when a hand wrapped around my mouth and I realized who it was.

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