Chapter 15

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Kenzie's pov
I wake to Harry sleeping like a baby.
I kiss him on the cheek as he slowly opens his eyes.
"Good morning baby." I whispered
"Morning Kitten." He whispers back.
"I have to tell you something." I say
"What is it baby?" He asks
"I want a tattoo, like kinda matching ones, but if you don't it's fine." I stutter
"Really, I would really like that baby."
"But I mean not to big of one." I say
"Yeah I know." He said putting his arm around me.
"Sure bout this kitten?" He asked me
"Positive." I say
"I don't want to pressure you into something baby."
"Harry, I want to do this." I assure him.
"Ok." He nods.
"I love you Mackenzie."
"I love you Harry."
After we got ready, we ate breakfast and walked to the tattoo shop.
"What do you want to get?" He asked me as we walk hand in hand.
"I don't know, maybe hearts." I suggest.
"I like that."
We walk into the shop and look at the choices, we find small hearts and we decided to put it on our wrist and when we hold hands they are close.
You ready babe?" Harry asked me
"Ready." I say taking his hand in mine.
It didn't hurt at all. After Harry got his we walk hand in hand back.
"I love these." I say looking at our wrist
"I love them too." He replied
"I can't wait to show my mom this." He said
"I hope she will like it."
"Don't worry kitten she will."
"Babe, you worry to much. You need to losses up." He says grabbing my waist
"I kn.." before I could finish he pulls me closer to him and gently presses his lips into mine. He places his hand on my cheek as I place my hand on his chest. We are standing on the sidewalk kissing, that's one of the reasons I love being with Harry. We can kiss where ever and when ever we want, when we kiss I forget what's going on and where we are I lose myself in the kiss.
"Excuse me." I here someone say
We pull away to find a women with her little girl about maybe 6.
"Excuse me, but if you are going to kiss get a room."
"Sorry miss." Harry apologized.
They walk away
"ooh, you got in trouble." I teased
"No, we got in trouble." He laughed
"Come on let's go." He grabs my hand.
We were walking and almost half way there when it started to pour down rain. I was in a tank top and shorts so I was freezing.
"Babe, come here." Harry puts his arm around me hugging me trying to keep me warm.
"Where have you guys been?" Anne asked as we walked in the door
"We got these." Harry said holding out our wrists
"Oh I love them so cute."
Me and Harry go into our room.
"Here Kenzie, take my sweatshirt." He said handing me his grey sweatshirt
"Thanks baby." I say putting it on
"Oh babe your still freezing." Harry's says climbing on top of the bed
"Come here, let me warm you up." He holds his arm out so I can lay in his arms.
"Your to good to me babe." I lay my head on his chest
"I love you Mackenzie, I would do anything to keep you safe, warm, and happy."
"I love you too Harry." I say kissing him on his cheek.
"I could stay like this forever." He whispered tightening his grip on my waist
"Then stay." I whispered back.

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