Chapter 32

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Mackenzie pov
I wake up to gentle kiss being placed all over me.  I slowly open my eyes and see Harry hovering over me
"Good morning kitten." He smiles
"Good morning." I say rubbing my eyes
He rolls over and puts his arm out as I lay my head on his chest. I wrap my arm around his waist.
"I love cuddling with you baby girl" he whispers kissing my head
"Me too Harry." I take my finger and trace his butterfly tattoo on his chest
"What are you doing kitten" he laughs
"Nothing." I giggle
"I love you so much Mackenzie, you're my everything."
"I love you to." I whisper
"You know what we should do today?" He asked
"I think we should pack."
"Babe" he whines
"Babe" I mock his whine "Harry, we are leaving tomorrow we need to pack today."
"Please baby just listen to my idea."
"Ok fine what is it?" I ask giving up
"We can go swimming, you seem really stressed and swimming is a good stress reliever." He smiles
"Okay, okay I'll admit that's a pretty good idea."
"So, are we going to?" He asked hopefully
"Why not"
"Yay!" He cheers
"You're so cute" I giggle at him "I'm going to get ready." I say getting out of bed
"Wait for me love." He mumbles in his raspy morning voice
"Well hurry up then" I laugh
I go and get my swim suit and start to head for the bathroom when Harry grabs my waist from behind and drags me backwards.
"Harry!" I scream
He starts tickling me
"Harry, stop!" I laugh
"Stop what kitten, I'm not doing anything." He laughs back
"Harry, stop, please." I say in between laughs
"Ok, I'll stop, that's what you get for trying to go in the bathroom." He smirks
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and walked onto the back porch
I was putting my hair up when Harry comes up behind me and hugs me, he nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck.
"Hi baby" his husky voice whispers
"Hi babe" I whisper back
"You look so good baby girl, how about you and me go back into our room." He smirks
"Babe, you said we would swim." I whined
"Okay fine" he whines back  "let's get in then" he picks me up and holds me above the water
"Harry don't you dare." I warned him
"Oh I would never." He said sarcastically
"Oh stop being so cocky."
"Me? Cocky? No!" He said sarcastically again
"Harry put me down." I demand
"Ok, whatever you say baby."
"Wait no Harry!" I shout before he throws me into the water and he jumps in after me
"Thanks for that." I say
"Of course babe. " he says with a cheeky smile
I swim over to him and climb into his arms
"Harry?" I asked
"Yeah kitten?"
"When are we going to get a house of our own, we aren't going to live with the boys all our life. Are we?" I asked
"Of course not babe, I've actually been looking at house online and been meaning to show you them but I've just forgot after what's been going on." 
"Oh good," I squeal "I can't wait to get our own house."
"Me too babe"
"I love you so much Mackenzie" he whispers
"I love you too Harry" I whisper back
"Oh and speaking of us babe, do you know what tomorrow is?" He asked
"Of course I do" I replied
"And don't say it's the day we leave for tour"
"I wasn't," I laughed "it's our 1 year anniversary" I cooed
"I can't believe it's been a year already" he said looking deep into my eyes  "and sense tomorrow we will be spending all day on a plane I thought we could celebrate tonight." He smirked
"I'd love to but Harry we have to pack still"
"Babe, stop worrying about packing just relax today will be a special day." He said
After swimming we both got in the shower and got dressed. Harry said we were going to a fancy restaurant to eat for our early anniversary dinner
"Baby you look amazing" he whispers on the back of my neck sending child throughout my body
"You don't look to bad yourself" I reply
"You ready to go?" He Asked grabbing my waits from behind
"Yeah,lest go babe"
"Wait before we go"
He grabs my wait and pulls me in closer, the slowly pressed his lips into mine.
"Happy anniversary babe" he says between kisses
"I love you Harry"
"I love you Mackenzie"
At the restaurant everything was so calm, there was a piano playing and everything was so quiet until a waiter comes over and says, "Oh my god, are you Harry Styles and Mackenzie Peter"
"Yeah, that's us" Harry says with a faint smile
"I'm so sorry to bother you but can I get an autograph" she says
"Sure why not" Harry's says, I can tell he's upset
After she leaves Harry says "Babe I'm so sorry"
"No Harry it's fine" I assure him
"No it's no..." he started but I cut him off
"Don't worry about it, just focus on tonight"
When we get home Harry seems really upset
"Babe what's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing" he mumbles
"Harry I know somethings wrong, just tell me"
"Ok, at the restaurant that made me really mad. This was supposed to be our night but instead we get asked for
Autographs. I'm so sorry baby, we can't go anywhere without paparazzi following us everywhere and fans asking for pictures. It makes me mad because we go out for a special night and then that happens and it puts a damper on everything and I feel like a lousy boyfriend." He says flopping on the bed
"Babe, you're not a lousy boyfriend," I flop on the bed with him "you're a perfect boyfriend, you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever have. It makes me kinda upset when the paps or fans follow us around but I don't care what's happening when I'm with you, yes I got a little upset today at the restaurant but I've gotten use to that like I said before I don't care what's happening as long as I'm with you." I lay my head on his shoulder
"I love you so much kitten"
"I love you too"
"Hey you know we still got to pack" I say
"I know but how about we do something other then packing" he smirked
"That's fine with me" I smirked back

A/n: Hey guys I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever, I've been so busy with school and dance and stuff. I'm so sorry I'll try to update more often, I love you guys

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