Chapter 13

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Harry's pov
"Harry wake up." I feel someone shaking me. It's not Mackenzie, it was Louis
"What do you want Lou?" I asked annoyed.
"It's 9:30 we have an interview at 10:00" he reminded me.
"Crap ok." I get out of bed, shower, and get ready. I walk over to Mackenzie sleeping like an angle
"Kitten, I got to go." I kiss her
"Oh, I love you baby." She says in a raspy morning voice
"I love you too baby girl." I kiss her one more time before going with the boys to the interview.
We get to the Studio and sit down.
"Welcome boys." The interviewer said
"So Harry, I heard you have a girlfriend?" She asked me
"Yeah," I smiled. "Her name is Mackenzie, actually we had our 1 month anniversary yesterday."
"Oh how sweet."
"Louis, you keep yawning." She pointed out.
"Yeah I didn't get much sleep last nigh."
"Oh god." I mumbled under my breath I knew what was coming up next
"Why's that." The interview asked
"Well," Louis smirked at me "My room is right next to Harry and Mackenzie, and let's just say they were REALLY loud last night. I mean REALLY loud." He shouted
"Harry, can you explain that." She laughed.
I start to blush, "no rather not."
"Oh yeah, I heard them last night too." Liam pitched in. My eyes widen of embarrassment.
"Yeah, so could I." Niall laughed.
"Your all the way on the other side of the house." I said with attitude.
"Yeah I know, you guys was really loud!"
"Well let's move on." I said embarrassed. But then I smile remembering last night. *picture*
"Haha, he's thinking of last night." Niall laughs
"How do you know."
"Because you always smile like that when your thinking of Mackenzie." He smirked
"Yeah." I laugh
"Moving swiftly along." I continued
finally we got off that topic, I don't think Kenzie would like it if I talked about our love life, especially what the lads were talking about. I get a text from Kenzie
Kitten😻😘☺️. Hey baby, are you still in the interview?
Harry😘😍💕. Yeah hopefully we're almost done.
"Harry, why are you smiling at your phone?" The interviewer asked
"Oh, I was, um I'm texting Kenzie."
Kitten😻😘😊. Ok see you soon love you😘
Harry😍😘💕. I love you too.
After the interview we went straight home.
"I'm home kitten." I yell when I walked into the door
"In our room." She yelled back
"Hi kitten." I sat kissing her on the cheek
"Hi baby, how was the interview?" She asked
" could have been better."
"I'm sorry, what happened?" She put her arm around me
"Louis happened." She looked at me with a confused face
"He started to talk about us last night."
Her eyes widened, "oh god."
"Yep." I said
"How did he,"
I cut her off "Even Niall could hear us" I explained.
"Oh god." She gasps
"I know."
"Oh god." She gasp again.
"It's bad enough that the lads heard us, but now the world will know."
"OH GOD." she puts her head on my chest.
I kiss her head, "Everything will be ok kitten, if the paparazzi come to close to you or bother you I will protect you."
"I'm so sorry kitten." I apologize
"It's ok baby, it's not your fault."
"But we have barely any privacy, we can't go out in public without paparazzi or fans bombarding us, I'm really sorry baby."
"It's ok I would risk anything to be with you." She kisses my cheek
"I would risk anything to be with you kitten." I say back.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Then there was a knock at the door, it was Louis
"Louis What do you want." I groaned
"Harry listen, I'm really sorry I shouldn't have done that." He apologized.
"It's ok I guess, just watch your back for revenge." I replied.
"Ohh I'm sooo scared." He said sarcastically
"You should be Tomlinson."
Just after Louis left I get a call from my mom.
"Hi mom." I answered
"Harry, sweetie I haven't seen you in so long and I heard you have a girlfriend now."
"Well you both should come here soon." She said
"Ok, we will."
"Ok, I love you sweetie."
"Love you too mom."
I hung up, "Kenzie, my mom wants us to come to England to see her."
"Oh that's sounds fun, I've always wanted to go there!" She squeals
"Okay we'll pack and get on a plane tomorrow."
"Oh god wait I'm going to meet your parents, now I know how you felt."
"Kitten everything will be ok, trust me my parents are very nice and will definitely like you." I assured her
"Thanks baby." she pecks my cheek
"Anytime kitten."

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