Meeting An Interesting Red Head

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Hello, writer here, I just wanna say quickly, this is my first time writing and publishing a sorry if the story isn't that great😅

Chapter 1

(Y/n) pov:

I'm taking my daily walk in the forest with my black cloke following behind me covering my many daggers, throwing knifes and katana, I see a apple tree so I jump up it and sit on the branch while grabbing a red apple and start eating it

Finally some good apples. I said in my head

I hear someone walking in the distance so I climb higher up into the tree where I can't be spotted easily, I was surprised to look down and see a lady with bright red hair. Holy shit...then I see her pick a flower

"That's another one down" the bright red haired lady says before I saw a man approaching her

My my, sneaking up on people is not very nice...although I can't complain

"Hey there rosy-locks" the man says before the lady spins around quickly but the guy knocks her out easily then tosses her over his shoulder

Hm..although I'm usually not prince charming..this girl interests me in a way...I thought and followed the man while keeping a distance.

A bit later we make it to a cabin type house, the man went inside. let's find a way in shall we...I thought while starting to look around to see all the windows are covered by bars.

Smart..but I have a feeling little red will be ok..he probably wants to sell her because of her hair...its very rare..same with my eyes..I thought while sitting on a tree where I can see red locked in a room


I suddenly hear a loud thud from the house making me jump a bit being caught by surprise

"The hell?" I say under my breath as I jump to the window

I see red running my way but I quickly hide next to the window as she checks each window to see if there are bars..then she disappears from view so I jump to a tree and see her jumping out the one next to me landing face first into the grass

"oww" she says holding herself

ouch.. that's gotta hurt... I thought before the man came up again

"That little stunt didn't have much affect on me" he says so the lady smirks before attempting to run

But the man grabs the back of her shirt and pulls her against the wall pinning her with a torch next to the ladies head so I sit in the tree watching for a moment ready to strike if needed

"even if you escape and find your way back, there'll probably be someone else following you with worse intentions. Wouldn't you be much safer in the care of a nobility or royalty? you'd be protected and live in luxury, doesn't that sound vastly more appealing so, what do you say red?" The man says aggressively

"...I say no. I think I'll take a different path." The lady says with determination

Hmm...why do you interest me so much little red?..I thought

"that's the wrong answer!" The man shouted before raising his hand with a torch

I take out my throwing knife and throw it at the man's sleeve pinning him to the wall, I hear a gasp from the lady as I jump down from the tree

"I mean, I'm no royal but I'll be nice enough to protect little red for awhile" I say not looking at them having my hood up

"You? You're a assassin, probably going to do the same thing I was going to do" the man says and laughs

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