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Chapter 15

(Y/n's) pov: 13 days later...

I haven't seen much if obi but if I stay silent and let my senses take over I can still tell he's watching over me

Ryu's been teaching me quite a lot about certain poisons and how to make them, he's been expressing his emotions more around me a bit making me a bit happy

Dance tutorials..mitsuhide had to teach me since obi was..MIA..for me at least (missing in action) so today..I HAD to try on the dress to see if it fit..

"No! I am not walking around in this heavy ass gown!" I shout not happy with this situation

"(Y/n), you have to, for at least the ball" shirayuki says

"But what if you get kidnapped or hurt?! I wont be able to run in this damned dress!" I shout

"Then Obi's there to help me to!" She says and my mood instantly changes

"..right, obi.." I say slightly hushed and shirayuki quickly notices my change of tone

"(Y/n)..when was the last time you guys talked?" Shirayuki asks and I just snicker harshly

"No, its whatever..I'm getting out of this dress, I hate this" I say before walking into the bathroom but as I struggle to take it off I hear the main door open

"Miss (y/n).." the guard calls

"Ugh! What?!" I say as it stays silent for a moment

"..miss (y/n), am I allowed permission to enter?" A slightly deeper tone voice says

"..the hell? No, have you ever heard of privacy?" I say before growling slightly

"Why is this damn zipper so high, this should be fucking illegal." I say before hearing a stifled laugh

"Do you need help miss?" The voice says again and I groan

"No! I am fine! Back off!" I shout getting fed up with the guards

"..miss..shirayuki would like to see you again" the voice says before I being annoyed open the door and to my surprise..

"Obi.." I say slightly hushed and obi stays silent for a moment seeing me in the dress

"Oh fuck off!" I say before he laughs at me reaction

"Well miss..you do look stunning" obi says and I turn confused at the new name then the compliment

"What's with the miss?" I ask a bit confused

"Well, I cant say stars at tanbarun so I have to call you something" he says and I nod
(A/n: please let me know if I'm spelling tanbarun wrong)

"Uh, well it's nice seeing you again" I say and he hesitantly nods

"Eventhough I know you've been around" I add and he snickers

"That's true, do you need help with the dress?" He asks so I think before chuckling knowing I'll regret my decision

"Well..wanna have one more dance before tomorrow.." I ask sheepishly and he snickers

"As you wish" he says and I roll my eyes

"Alright, stop talking like a servant and speak to me like you usually do" I demand and he smirks

"My my, stars getting a little dominate~?" Obi taunts normally so I scoff but crack a slight smile

"Alright, shut up kitty cat" I say and he snickers before holding out his hand

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