Hello Prince Raj..

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Chapter 17

Obi's pov:

I let out a sigh as I stayed up all night and I'm not one bit tired, for the past 13 days I was hiding from (y/n) I've been training my body to stay up longer. So far I can go two days..

We stayed up until a couple hours after sunset talking or watching the stars, goofing off now and then as expected..like the before I left..I wanted to see if I could stay away from her..

But I just couldn't..she could get hurt cause of me but yet I would still be near her..its so selfish. She's getting hurt because of me and I just cant leave...

..(Y/n) fell asleep for the first time this week and I actually stayed up all night watching her-..well not her, that's just.... whatever.

Shirayuki, (y/n) and I leave today..a little bit after sunrise. I cant say I'm the most thrilled and I know the others aren't either

"Obi?" I hear (y/n) call tiredly catching my attention

"Uh- morning" I say a bit shocked

I wasn't expecting her to wake up for at least another few hours

"..have you been awake all night?" She says in a slightly raspy voice sitting up

"Yeah..I've-uh..been training my body to stay up longer" I say and she smirks walking to the windowsill I'm at

"Record?" She asks

"Two days" I say as she sits on the opposite side of me on the windowsill

"Eh, you'll get there" she says resting her head in her hand half asleep


I notice (y/n) open her eyes and sit up studying me before she sighs catching my attention

"Something wrong stars?" I ask and she hesitates

"I'm gonna regret this but that's for future me" she says and moves towards me a bit and as a reflex a back up into the window eventhough I'm already against it

"You let me cuddle you before, stop being a scaredy cat" she says before laying on top of me as my stomach starts hurting again

"Wake me when the sun actually rises.." she says wrapping her arms around my back with her head on my stomach as I'm halfway laid down

I know I'm blushing at least a little bit..

"..so clingy~" I say attempting to tease her but when she looks up at me she smirks before putting her head back down

"Says the one that's blushing" she says forcing me to stay silent

"I win.." she says before tightening her grasp a bit more getting comfy

I give in and rest my hands on her back and head causing her to flinch as a natural habit but quickly calms down so I play with her hair a bit not having anything better to do

"..hey (y/n).." I start and she hums letting me know shes listening

"..what did you do when I left?" I ask and her eyes open before sighing closing again

"I thought you were watching me.." she says

"..I was going into different trees..I couldn't look at you.." I say and she hesitates

"I didnt bother to chase after you if that's what you mean.." she says making my heart drop

"..why.." I ask slightly hushed

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