Our room?

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Chapter 22

I awaken with a groan as I hear a knock on my door, opening my eyes I see Obi's gone already so I let out a sigh

"Yeah yeah yeah, come in" I call slightly annoyed and still tired

I hear a chuckle before the door opens revealing a certain teal haired guard

"I thought you would've been up by now (Y/n)" he teases as he leans against the door so I scoff

"Shut up, I'm still recovering..what do you need?" I ask as I carefully sit up still feeling the pain in my chest

"Well, Zen wanted to see what you were up too, since we're aware that you want to go on an adventure with Ryu at some point" Mitsuhide explains so I nod standing up going to my wardrobe

"I plan on going around the castle for a few days to see what I missed, probably a joy ride with Kage..I'll probably be asking to borrow cat eyes and shortstack in like two days or so" I explain from what obi and I talked about

"Okay, I'll let Zen know. Also, how are you feeling?" Mitsuhide asks so I look at him and hum

"Still in pain but nothing I cant tolerate" I say so he nods

"Alright, if it ever hurts worse or you get annoyed of it, shirayuki always has medicine for pain" He says making sure I know so I nod

"I know I know, now leave so I can get changed" I chuckle slightly and he snickers aswell

"Lemme know if you need anything" Mitsuhide says with a smile before closing the door

If hes acting that way..then I cant wait to see how everyone else acts

I dread at my thought filled with sarcasm as I enter the bathroom to change into a normal loosely long sleeve shirt and pants, I still hide some weapons on me never knowing what could happen but not as many as usual

After doing my routine, I exit my room and walk down the hall with my hands in my pockets as I'm still sleepy from actually sleeping last night

Wonder where cat eyes dissapeared too?

Walking into the cafeteria seeing the chefs whom I secretly praised when I alone had their food, when they turn to see who entered I see their eyes light up to see me again

"(Y/n)! Welcome back! You must be starving, we'll make something for you!" The Male chef says so I snicker

"Nothing big, I just woke up so I dont have much of an appetite at the moment" I dismiss with a slight smile

"But you must have your protein and your carbs! After all your body needs to heal!" The Female chef adds so I snicker

"I'm alright, all I'd like at the moment is something small, you can spoil me during dinner" I jest but make them smile more as they take that challenge

They do make me a smaller portion of breakfast that they have figured out I love, as I bite into the food I have to hold back a smile before chuckling

"Man it's good to back to this delicious food" I comment after swallowing my chewed food

The chefs seem to glow at the compliment that they get now and then from others but not as much as obi and I seeing that we had to survive on our own hunting, obi is a much better cook then myself though so any food is delicious to me as long as it's not my own

The chefs accept the praise as I continue to eat and they prepare for the other soldiers as some talk to me aswell seeing how I'm doing and how good it is to see me back

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