What The Fuck?

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Chapter 14

(Y/n's) pov: Middle night

I continue to walk around the castle thinking while playing with my double sided blade for a bit before sighing

I really need to keep a better eye out, grandfather or his guard could kidnap anyone..plus if little red and I are going to tanbarun then he's going to have the advantage...

As I keep walking around I keep thinking of things I could do or help with protecting shirayuki with at tanbarun before I sigh slightly

I should prepare some things incase stuff goes wrong

I go to the herbalist area and climb through the window before searching around for stuff that would mix into a acid or something hurtful

"(Y/n)?" I hear a voice say so I look around slightly confused to see ryu

"Oh hey ryu, what are you doin up?" I ask slightly confused

"I sleep here" he says glancing to his bed under the table

"..isn't it a little loud then if garak or someone enters?" I ask and he nods looking at what I have

"What are you doing?" He asks curiously

"Mixing a few herbs and medicine" I say setting the ingredients on the table before ryu walks over and looks through them

"Are you trying making acid?" He asks and I turn slightly shocked

"Yeah actually, know how?" I ask and he hesitantly nods

"Something like that.." He says before walking around collecting a few things before mixing it

"Dont touch it, it'll hurt a lot.." ryu says and I nod

"..you know a lot about it" I say and ryu looks at me for a moment before looking away

"I used to study poisonous plants, I know a bit" he says hesitantly

"Teach me. I'm intrigued" I say softly before ryu thinks

"I dont know, I'm not good at teaching.." he says and I snicker

"Neither am I, I'll understand whatever you show me" I say reassuringly

"When can you leave the dance lesson thing.." ryu asks and I snicker

"For me? Whenever I want" I say and ryu nods

"Meet me outside by the trees before sunset and I'll try to teach you I guess" he says as it's to late to teach me so I smile

"Alright, I'll see you then" I say and he glances at me before smiling slightly

"Oh yeah, so you want to sleep in my room? Well old-ish room, I dont sleep in it much.. comfier for you in a bed probably" I say but ryu shakes his head

"I'm fine, thanks" he says and I smirk

"C'mon, let's go short stack" I say ruffling his hair slightly before nudging him a little bit

"W-what? No, It's alright" he says hesitantly

"Oh c'mon, it's much comfier" I say looking down at him smiling so he glances at me for a moment before sighing slightly

"Fine.." he says and I smile brightly

"Great! Just dont snoop through my closet much, I still have my weapons in there" I say as I start walking ryu tailing me

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