Frustration And Stress

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Hello! Make sure you eat and drink water today! ^^

Chapter 10

I've been walking all over the place for zen and shirayuki until at last, I found them at the water fountain

"Finally! I've been looking all over for you two!" I say jumping down from the roof a bit annoyed

"Hehe sorry (y/n), we were walking around for a bit" shirayuki says scratching her cheek

"It's fine, next time tell mitsuhide or kiki where you're going. It was really annoying running all over the place knowing you are being targeted." I explain really annoyed

"From what keo says..its not just shirayuki getting targeted.." zen says shifting his glance over to me

"I am not. Having some guards protect me. I can handle myself and protect shirayuki on my own. I don't need some guard that's going to get in my way and distracts me if something does happen." I say bluntly looking directly at zen

"..but if obi were to protect you, would you accept?" Zen says with a slight smirk

"..The hell is that supposed to mean?!" I say still annoyed

"I can't read his movements and from what experience I've had with him, it seems like whatever that's going on, anytime he's around it fucking butterfly effects to me getting me hurt!" I say not annoyed..but once again frustrated..and so I snapped

"..(y/n) what do you mean getting you hurt?" Zen asks his eyes wide

"...n-nothing..I'm going to take a walk, shirayuki, stay with zen, mitsuhide or kiki for a bit" I say before walking off

Damnit..why am I so frustrated lately...

I decide to take a walk in the forest still around the castle a bit, I run my hand through my hair and take a deep breath

"What is wrong with me..." I say quietly looking in the air for a moment

Is obi scared of me now?..but..then again, I dont think he saw it was a order from zen...except..the two other guys I killed..

I sigh before noticing someone staring at me..and it's not bow an arrow guy..I walk ahead a bit where it's a maze in the tree's, but easy for me

I hide in a tree when I see mitsuhide pass, I turn confused on why he is following me so I jump down next to him and turn to him confused

"So why are you following me?" I ask as nicely as possible

"'s about time you noticed..I've been following you since you left the cells" mitsuhide explains looking at me

"You have?..." I say shocked and a bit confused on how I didn't notice him

" what's been going on with you? Normally you would have noticed me easily" mitsuhide asks a bit worried

"Nothing, I'm fine, just frustrated" I say while walking into the forest more, mitsuhide follows

"Why so? Its dangerous to have a ex assassin frustrated" mitsuhide says

"Reasons. And I know, that's why I'm trying to distance myself from everyone and think" I say not looking at mitsuhide

"Does it have to deal with obi?" Mitsuhide asks and I stay silent

"So it does have to deal with him" mitsuhide says and I spin around facing him pissed

"Of course it has to deal with him! Ever since I met him, I've been different! And I hate that. I never wanted to change." I say pissed staring at mitsuhide

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