Where I'm Meant To Be

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Hey everyone! Welcome to the last chapter! I'm sorry the story is short but I don't have many ideas left for this story, nor the motivation to keep writing this but I'm not discontinuing this. This is the end of the line..so with that being said, enjoy the last part 💙

Chapter 23

A couple days later I was healed enough for shirayukis satisfaction, but they never did find out what happened with my room

I've been awake since the sun started to come up and managed to leave obis grasp making sure he was asleep, zen had informed me that my room was fully repaired and that he could replace whatever was lost, I thanked him but denied the request since I was living fine with what I had gotten back

While the morning passed I quietly moved my stuff that I had from obis room into my own thinking he would like the privacy

I yawned as I watched the sun rise higher on my own balcony a bit bored, I already got done moving what I needed out of obis room since it wasn't much in the first place and I know better than to bother Zen this early

Just as I stretch out on the balcony, I jump up as I hear an alarmed obi shout my name, I look over to his room to see him running and go to jump off the balcony when I speak up making him pause his movement

"Hey wildcat..?" I say in an amused but confused tone as obi meets my eyes

"(Y/n)? Where were you? All your stuff is gone" obi says standing in the railing of the balcony walking over to mine

"Well Zen got my room all done so I thought I'd move my stuff back so you can have your privacy again" I explain before obi jumps down into my section of the balcony

"Privacy?" He questions so I nod with a snicker

"Yeah, didn't think you liked me taking over your room not letting you do what you want" I explain so he raises an eyebrow confused but amused

"Really? That's what you're worried about?" He asks so my eyebrows furrow in confusion before he walks up to me grabbing my waist as my hands end up on his arms

"I liked it when you were in my room, it made me feel better knowing you're safe and I can actually get sleep..are you seriously gonna leave my room after we hunt together and sleep in each others arms?" He asks as it makes my face turn a light pink

"I..didnt think about it that way.." I say so he snicker leading me back until my back hits the balcony

"Obviously you didn't think at all, actually, I'm offended you didn't even ask me!" He says and nods in his own approval for his words so I can help but to laugh

"Well sorry Mr. cat eyes, I didn't realize I needed your say so" I play around so he raises an eyebrow before surprising me by picking me up and setting my down on the balcony railing with his body in-between my legs

"You don't but you know you enjoy staying in the same bed as me just as much as I do" he says so I snicker after a moment

"What has gotten into you today? You're being so bold" I say amused so he snickers grinning at me

"Well I woke up to you not in my arms so you're making up for it" he says so I roll my eyes as he tightens his grip on my waist making me giggle

"You're adorable" I say knowing he hates it when I call him that but secretly loves it

"Oh shut up and kiss me" he says making my eyes widen but nonetheless I oblige

I lean forward and press my lips against his while he immediately kisses back with a small force as he squeezes my waist making me suck in a quick breath through my nose before I pull away with my heart beating faster than normal

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