Cat eyes

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Hello! Like promised obi is in this chapter so I hope you like it!

Chapter 3

A few days later I actually fell asleep in my tree when I woke up I felt horrible so I jumped out of my tree, stretched and started walking to zen's office since he wanted me to come down today, I bump into mitsuhide and kiki

"Wow (y/n) look horrible" mitsuhide says while chuckling

"Thanks, it's what I get for falling asleep" I say sarcastically and kiki and mitsuhide looked at me shocked

"What?" I say confused as we start walking to zen's office

"You finally fell asleep?!" Mitsuhide exclaims surprised

"Yea yea, shut up. I'll wake up more as the day goes by" I say while getting to zen's office and this time I have to knock

"Come in" zen said from the other side of the door in a scary tone

I look at kiki and mitsuhide before opening the door to see a dark aura around zen

"is this normal?" I asked mitsuhide, he just shook his head no

"I'll get shirayuki" mitsuhide said before walking back out

"zen, (y/n) is said yesterday evening you wanted to talk to her" kiki said walking infron to him

"one minute" zen said lowly

I sneak past zen and go to the balcony and sit on the ledge knowing that it's going to be more then one minute

"So zen, wanna tell us why you snuck off last night?" Kiki asked

"Wait, he did what?" I looked at kiki

"He snuck off for offical business, we're used to him doing it but this time he was really late coming back" kiki explained teased

"I see..." I responded before I see shirayuki and mitsuhide at the entrance

"They're back" I said before jumping off the ledge and landing gracefully on the ground

"Hey little red, how long did you sleep for?" I asked

"hey (y/n), I slept for awhile, thanks for putting me in my bed again" shirayuki said scratching the back of her head with a sheepish smile

"no problem, but something's goin on with zen" I said hesitantly

"Is something wrong with him?" Shirayuki asked as all of us start walking but I see lord haruka that was looking at us disgusted

Now what could his problem be?

"I'll see you guys up there" I said and left

I climbed up to zen's balcony again and watched everything going on a few minutes later mitsuhide and shirayuki knocked and walked in

"Shirayuki? I dreaming?" I heard zen say dazed

so he wants her to be in his dreams aye?

"No, I'm not a dream, but I take that as a compliment" shirayuki said tensed slightly

"zen, bringing shirayuki here was my idea, since he would rather spend time with her than sleep, your the one who said that" mitsuhide said and a light tint of blush manifested on zen's face

"I only said it because you guys wouldn't get off my back!" Zen said fired

"She's all you've been talking about, you even wrote her name and a couple of documents, go spend time with her" kiki said

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