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Did I scare y'all? Don't forget to vote!! Love all!

Chapter 20

I wake up in an abis of darkness, standing up immediately alert only to see two chests infront of me along with a podium

"Where the hell am I.." i ask myself before remembering i passed out due to arrow guy


Am I dead?..its less tense then I remember..

I start walking up to the chests until I hear a stern voice

"Halt. (Y/n) (L/n)." I hear a vaguely familiar deep stern voice say so I stop and look up to the podium

"That's me.." I respond calmly

"Your death, a slice across the chest, please step forward" the man says so I do so as he says stepping up to the chests

"..its been a long time dear (y/n).." he says so i immediately look up at him

"Do I know you? From the last times.." I ask amd the man with no face hesitantly nods

"Yes, I'm surprised I didnt see you sooner to be honest." He says so I hum

"So..tell me. What can i do to get out of here?" I ask looking up at the man before sensing a slight smirk

"Well..last time you were here we had to force you out..why change now?" He asks curiously but also formally

"..I..I have people waiting for me..people that are dear to me..and i would like it if I dont let them down" I explain hesitantly

"I see.." the man starts

"And what makes you think you deserve that?" He asks causing me to freeze and lower my head

"..I..I dont I suppose I do..but..I've found something special..the least I could do was try" I say not looking at the man

"(Y/n) (L/n), you chose the dark side. You have been an assassin for many years, and have even threatened to pick a fight with me in the past. Explain to me why love will let you pass this area." The man explain so my eyes sharpen upto him when he said love

"Explaining will get me nowhere, I can see that now. Even so, I've been here before..and without saying what the specialness was, you already knew. have been watching me. Hence there is no reason to explain when you know everything." I explain and the man hesitates before chuckling

"'ve gotten quite observant dear (y/n).. but, if so. Then why would I ask for you to explain?" He asks so I huff

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