||Obi Catch Up||

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Heyo, this chapter isn't really important just a little catchup story with little things obi did when the reader was occupied with stupid dance lessons lol

Chapter 16

Obi's pov:

"I know..catch ya later stars" I say before jumping out the window

"Obi!" I hear (y/n) yell

I need to stay away from her, but I need to protect her to..


That was a couple hours ago..I'm currently walking around in the forest at the castle knowing (y/n) would either be on the roof or walking around the castle halls

..I have to protect miss and (y/n). So I need to get stronger..

I jump into a tree and sleep it out for the night

I'll train starting tomorrow

Morning- Day 1

I walk around the castle to see where abouts (y/n) wont be, I climb up to her room to see her eyebrows furrowed as she focuses on her footing and how to dance.. with mitsuhide

My heart stalls for a moment before I leap off the room and go down to the archery range, I grab a bow and some arrows before leaving the castle into the forest

Once I get to the forest area where (y/n) was training at I start to do her same training, and it is a lot harder on me

Does she have a thing for mitsuhide?.. what if I lost her already..

I shoot an arrow shooting dead center so I take a step back and shoot to my left as the arrow ends up too far right, I do my punishment before letting out a breath

This is gonna be a long break..

Day 2

Sleep: 0.00.00 hours

This time I planned out a better schedule, I decided to get the hardest stuff done and over with..starting with getting my uniform fitted for Tanbarun

"How long will this take?" I ask impatiently as kiki helps out aswell and mitsuhide just smirking

"Maybe an hour, if not longer" kiki says so I groan getting bored already

"Oh c'mon obi it's not that bad, just think of (y/n's) reaction~" mitsuhide says and chuckles so I glare at him

"No thanks." I say remembering yesterday when mitsuhide was dancing with her

"Heh..what's that for?" He asks so I roll my eyes

"Dancing with his girl probably" kiki says with a poker face

"Well it's not my fault! She needed a dance partner and he left!" Mitsuhide defends himself so I stay silent

"Why did you leave anyway?" He adds so I hesitate

"I distracted (y/n) when she was on a mission and it ended up hurting her, so I'm trying to train more" I say and they snicker

"Yknow, she doesnt know about the story of her eyes right?" Mitsuhide asks so I nod

"That's 1 weakness right there, you need to watch her aswell as yourself when you're around her, if you want to become stronger, multitask" he adds so I nod again

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