Ace's Murderer

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Hello! I hope you guys liked the last chapter, and I hope you like this one to, bye!

Chapter 4

As I'm reading my book I get bored so I change into my uniform, mine, not the one zen gave me then grab my book and jump out the window..I go to a tree and jump up into it

I climb up at least halfway up and my legs cling on to the branch as I flip upside-down. I start reading the book again a bit later I see mitsuhide at the bottom of the tree

"(Y/n)? You up there?" Mitsuhide asks, I smirk and turn back up

I slide down and on the the last branch I immediately wrap my legs around it and I swing upside-down in front of mitsuhide

"Weee" I say while laughing and mitsuhide's shocked at the sudden answer

"Why am I not surprised you're here" he says

"Because I like trees, and having high grounds.." I say while pulling out my book but mitsuhide takes it

"hey, my book!" I say while trying to grab it

"A little birdie told me your not keeping an eye on obi" he says scowling me

"I know where he is, he practically follows me everywhere, but he was sleeping on the roof the last I checked" I say casually calm

"Then where is he now?" He asks unconvinced as he raises his eyebrow

"About...5-10 branches above me, at the top of the tree" I say and cat eyes jumps down to me

"How did you know?!" He yells and I smirk

I was right..

"lucky guess, see I'm watchin' him..more like he's watching me-can I have my book back now" I say

"Fine, and shirayuki's herbalist exam is today" mitsuhide says giving me my book

"Oh really? I'll have to wish her luck.. although she's been studying for this thing even when she didn't know there was a exam, she'll pass..I know it" I say and turning back up and standing against the tree unaffected

"True, well I better get back to zen, bye (y/n) obi" mitsuhide says walking away

"Cya" "bye" Then obi jumps down next to me

"How did you know I was up there?" He asks

"You followed me around last night and I covered you with my jacket when you fell asleep so you would have to come see me at to answer your question..I guessed" I look at him and laugh

"Then that was one good guess, and your hoodies in your room" he says smirking

"How did you get into my room!?" I ask quickly looking over at him

"window" he says cheerfully I roll my eyes and start walking

"I could probably tell zen that you keep breaking into my room! And have him kick you out..but I doubt he'll do it..he would probably just yell at you and add more time I have to deal with you" I say

"Wow~ tell master then" he says smirking

"No! You're annoying! And following me everywhere! Why would I want more time to deal with you!?" I say as we approach zen, kiki and mitsuhide at the exam board

"Having fun (y/n)?" Zen asks in a sarcastic tone

"So much" I say sarcastically back

"He's been on my back ever since you told me to watch him..its more like he's following me" I add and roll my eyes, zen laughs

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