Getting Annoyed..

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Hey guys, writer here, I hope you guys liked the last chapter even tho obi wasn't in it but I promise he'll be appearing soon!

Chapter 2

When the moon went down and the sun came up I went to check on shirayuki, she fell asleep studying..I sighed and opened the window

At least she didn't get kidnapped..

Then I quietly got into her room, picked shirayuki up carefully making sure not to wake her and placed her on her bed.

I covered her with her blanket and left a note saying that she had fallen asleep so I moved her, I place the note in her book and went back to the castle

When I arrived I saw mitsuhide and kiki just woke up

"Morning kiki, mitsuhide" I said not tired at all still

"Goodmorning (y/n), you're up early, when did you wake up" mitsuhide asked

"Two days ago" I responded, mitsuhide looked at me confused as all three of us started to walk to zen's office

"Huh? What do you mean two days ago?" Mitsuhide asked confused

"I'm an assassin, I trained my body to stay up for 5 days straight so far, I have to make sure none of my enemies capture or kill me" I said with a straight face

"Wow, although that's not good for your body (y/n) should really get some rest" mitsuhide said

"Thanks for your concern but I can handle it..I've been up for a entire week before..but my body couldn't handle at least I know my limit" we get to zen's door and I knocked this time

"Come in" zen says from behind the door, mitsuhide, kiki and I walk in

"you asked to see me" I said going over to the balcony

"Yes, but first report, how's shirayuki" zen asked

"She's..ok, she fell asleep on her desk reading so I had to take her to her bed, last I checked she was sleeping"

"Good, kiki, mitsuhide, give us a moment please" zen said

"of course your highness" kiki said and they both left the room so I sit on the ledge

"Why do you not like royals?" Zen asked

"..that's none of your concern..." I said kind of harshly glaring at zen

"ok, you don't have to say..but at least talk to someone you trust..I know assassin's dont trust much but you said you're interested in shirayuki..once you get to know her better, trust her..tell her about yourself and why you don't like royals or anything else-" zen said before there was a knock on the door

"just try and trust someone...come in" zen added and a blonde haired guy walked in

"Ah hello lord haraku, I dont believe you met my new aid" zen said

"No I hired a assassin?!" Haraku said

"Wow it's that obvious?" I said sarcastically with an unamused expression

"Yes but she helped me and she promised she's not going to kill me" zen said as I glanced over at him for a moment

well I mean I didn't promise..but I dont plan on killing him

I look at haraku letting him see my eyes

"you can call me shadow for now..but a lot of people call me midnight" I said making harakus eyes widen

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