Welcome Back Idiot, We Need To Talk..

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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well, there's going to be a bit of a timeskip since I dont have many idea's planned without obi so he is now in this chapter! Hope you like it.

Chapter 11

Six days later: Obi's return

Surprisingly, I haven't seen any of the "bodyguards" keo was talking about

And obi was still gone..it was getting me a little worried but, I didnt show it..not that I knew of anyway..

My back was now mainly healed, it still hurt now and then but I can tolerate it, so it is now another scar.


As shirayuki and I walk out of her room to the herbalist area I'm starting to get tired since I went past my sleeping point again

"(Y/n)..you should really get some sleep..you haven't slept in almost six days.." Shirayuki says as I sit on the windowsill

"I'm fine little red, I still gotta protect you.. they could be waiting for me to leave or sleep to get you" I say looking at her

"I'll be fine (y/n), I'll go visit zen or like you said you're a light sleeper, you'll wake up if you hear something happen" she explains and I shake my head

"Not happenin red" I say with my hands behind my head

"Look I know you're worried about obi, but it's been six days..you need sleep" she says and I roll my eyes

"Red I'm fiiiine, and I'm not worried about obi, he's an assassin for hell's sake, he can take care of himself" I say and she puts her books down and looks at me

"I see how you're always looking around at night, you're getting nervous about him..at the very least drink coffee so you have energy" she says

"Coffee makes me crazy, I get way to hyper and let my guard down, when I'm sleepy my reflexes work better and I'm more guarded" I explain and she sighs

"What is it with assassins and being stubborn.." she says and I chuckle

"We dont get pressured a lot, at least I dont-" I say before someone jumps down to the window

With my reflexes still in-tacked I grab my push dagger from my sleeve and put it to them to see its obi, I smile slightly then snicker

"Welcome back kitty cat" I say and he snickers

"I see you missed me" he says lowering my push blade and I snicker

"As if" I say putting back my blade in my sleeve

I move my legs a bit so he can get through the window but he jumps up and sits infront of me

"..you look horrible, when's the last time you slept?" He asks kinda shocked and I snicker

"Jee thanks" I say with a eye roll

"Almost six days.." shirayuki says and obi turns a bit more shocked

"How have you not passed out yet?" He asks and I shrug

"Just the way I'm made I guess, you missed a lot while you were gone" I say not wanting to be on this topic

"Oh yeah, master told me, you both got targeted" he says and I turn unamused

"...yea, you could say that" I say standing up

"Cat eyes stay with red, I'll be back in a bit" I say and he watches me

"Where're you going?" He asks

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