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Chapter 21

As the days went by fast, obi never left (y/n's) side much, he mainly stayed there chatting with her, holding her hand, explaining certain games shirayuki had gotten them or got actual good food for her


(Y/n) pov: end of the week

I sit up on my bed as obi enters with shirayuki so she smiles

"Okay! One more checkup for daily then you can move and walk around, but. You will need to check in every week now" she says so I nod and stand up as I lift my shirt

Shirayuki glances at obi as he already looked away before turning to me smiling, she quickly unwraps the now mainly healed stitches and looks over them

"Would you like me to wrap them back up? And are you feeling any pain?" She asks so I shake my head no

"No it's okay and a little when I walk but other then that, not as bad unless I do something rash" I say and she nods

"Okay! Great! You'll have to come every Wednesday for a check up though" she says as I put down my shirt nodding

"Okay, thank you red" I say and she smiles

"And like I said before, no sparring and no climbing" she says so I nod

"I wont" I say smiling and glancing to obi as he nods

" never said anything about jumping out the window!" I say and start running out to the balcony

I leap out the window as I hear shirayuki gasp and obi behind me, I land easily with slight pain but tolerable

"No jumping out windows (y/n)!!!!" Shirayuki yells worried so obi and i laugh

"I'm okay red!" I say before I look at obi seeing him already looking at me

"Wanna visit zen first? The last time he saw you he was pretty worried" obi says and I chuckle nervously at the memory


"(Y/n!)" I hear my name causing me to jump as I see zen slide in

"You're finally awake! Mitsuhide told me, I'm glad we didnt have to find someone else to watch obi" he says smiling so I snicker

"Are you feeling okay? And dont jump into battle like that again! It was reckless and you could've and did almost die!" He scolds me so I chuckle nervously as I sweat drop

"I know..I'm sorry your highness" I say bowing my head so he smacks my head lightly as I hold it

"Be careful next time..and drag obi with you, I get you were pissed off but hes your many ways. So don't leave him behind" zen says so I nod

"Okay zen, thank you" I say and he nods


"He was scary..though.." I say and he chuckles before grabbing my hand

"C'mon, I have to ask him something anyway" obi says and I hum curiously before we get to zens window

"'m not supposed to climb" I say looking at the ledge

"I know" he says so I go to look at him confused but instead i feel myself be picked up

I gasp at the sudden lift before obi starts jumping so I hold onto him tightly, once I feel us stop I look up and see an amused mitsuhide and smiling kiki

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