A Little Incident

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Hello everybody, sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been busy but here's the next chapter

Chapter 8

(Y/n's) pov:

I wake up to my head pounding and cuddling with obi, I see he's still asleep so I quietly get out of my bed trying not to wake him so I take some pills to help with my headache then I just stare at obi confused on what happened last night and why he was in my bed with me

"Staring isn't nice you know~" obi says with his eyes still closed making me jump a little

"Ok, now that you're up...why were you sleeping in my bed with me?" I ask in confusion and obi chuckles

"That's one way to put it" he says before sitting up with a yawn

"you grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let go..so I didn't have a choice" obi says smirking

"What happened last night? I remember most of it..but It's all blank after you called me childish" I say confused

After obi explains

"Wow..I guess I have a thing for cuddling.." I say and obi chuckles

"Yep...I won the bet..but you said you would have a rematch with me again anyway.. cause I peaked your interest?~" obi says smirking

"Yea, I suppose you did..but I'm not positive" I say while shrugging and obi sighs

"There really isn't a way to fluster or embarrass you.." obi says with a frown

"Actually there is..you just haven't found it" I say before going to my closet and grabbing clothes

"Oh really~ where's your weak spot?" Obi asks and I can tell he's smirking so I turn to him

"Do you really think I'm going to tell you that?...whatever, get out of my room, I'm need to take a shower and I dont trust you to be in my room when I am. Go visit zen or shirayuki.." I say then walk into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door having my heart hurt again

I really hate this "love" stuff..

I sigh before taking a shower...after my shower I get into my uniform, hide weapons on me then start doing patrols around the castle because I'm bored..when I get to the gates I hear the two guards talking

"Wait! Shirayuki and the prince are together?! All right!!" A guard says then laughs a bit

"Keep your voice down Kai. It doesn't make sense..it doesn't seem as though they're anything more then just good friends" the other guard says

"Come on, where'd you hear this juicy tidbit? You have to tell me please!" Kai says

"Some idiot of a prince said a foolish thing..and if you choose to believe this rumor, you're just as foolish as him" I say with my back against the inner gate with my eyes closed and my arms crossed

"What?! Do you mean there not together?" Kai says turning to me

"No..so stop gossiping and get back to work before knock the sense out of you both" I say joking a bit

"Yes ma'am!" They both say then I chuckle lightly before walking around more

Let's see what prince izana is doing...

I start walking to his window until I see zen, mitsuhide, kiki and obi in a tree, I look away from them and jump into a tree halfway close to izana's window..

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