Izana And A Bet With Obi

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Hello! I dont really know what to say except that I am really, really happy you all like the story, it means a lot to someone who was worried they were going to get a lot of hate so thank you all!!! Now into the chapter...

Chapter 7

After watching the stars the sun starts coming up so I go back to my room and start sharpening some of my weapons as I'm bored..After awhile I check the time

Little red should be up by now..let's go visit

I put on most of my weapons, hidden of course..but I jump out my window and start walking to the infirmary where shirayuki is when I realize there are more guards around then usual but I shrug it off thinking zen just added more guards for protection

When I get to the infirmary I enter to see shirayuki and ryu

"You guys are awake early" I say in the doorway and they both look at me

"Oh, goodmorning (y/n), how did you sleep.. if you did sleep" shirayuki says hesitantly

"No, I didn't sleep but thanks for askin', how did you guys sleep?" I ask looking at shirayuki and ryu

"Great!" "Good.." shirayuki and Ryu say

"Great, hey little red, can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask

"Uh, sure" shirayuki says and we go into a different room

"Is there something wrong (y/n)?" Shirayuki asks concerned

"Dont know but..something's wrong with me.. but I don't know what..uhh my heart keeps skipping beats and hurting for some reason and I show more emotions and say more things around one certain person...what's wrong with me? This has never happened to me before" I explain confusedly and shirayuki smiles

"Do you think about that person often..and feel like you can trust them easier..drop your guard around them?" Shirayuki asks

"Uhm yea actually...I told him I already trust him but I dont know if that's a good idea though.." I say and shirayuki giggles

"(Y/n)..you're in love" shirayuki says smiling and my eyes widen

"N-no..I can't be..not with that idiot..he doesn't even like me, he fell for a different girl" I say scrunching my eyebrows

"Who is it? Mitsuhide? Obi?" Shirayuki asks as I blush slightly

"...I..its obi..." I say softly

"I thought so..you two would look cute together" shirayuki says and I look down

"But he likes someone else..." I mumble with a frown

"...he likes me, doesn't he..." shirayuki says softly and after a moment nod

"I know..." shirayuki adds with a saddening tone

"What am I supposed to do?..do I avoid him?" I ask shirayuki looking back at her

"No no no! You're not supposed to ignore him.. talk to him more, how much do you both talk?" Shirayuki asks

"A lot actually..some nights we both go up to the roof and watch the stars and talk sometimes and sometimes we just watch in silence..but a comfortable silence.." I say

"That's good! Keep talking and just be yourself" shirayuki says while smiling

That's hard to do though..I don't act like myself a lot though...

Shirayuki puts her hands on my shoulders and I look at her

"Don't worry so much..it'll be fine!" Shirayuki says reassuring me and I nod and show a fake smile

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