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Sorry I haven't been posting a lot! There's been a lot going on in the writes life lol and I'm still making more chapters! So with that being said, enjoy!!

Chapter 18

Throughout the night I've moved to the balcony and still reading the book to make sure I know everything

"Stars?" I hear obi call so I look up and walk inside

"Yeah?" I ask in the doorway of the balcony so he sits up

"What're you doing out there? You could get hurt by the arrow guy" he says tiredly so I snicker and close the balcony off

I place my book on the desk in the room and walk over to the bed snickering

"Happy?" I ask and before I know it I'm laying on the bed aswell

"Obi-" "shut up~ you did this this morning, it's my turn" he says and cuddles up to me as my breath hitches

"I felt that" he says before looking up to me and smiling softly

"I see that blush" he adds so I scoff and look away

"Shut up" I say before I start petting his hair causing him to almost immediately pass out

..he's cute..

As the night passes I make sure to stay alert all night and listen, any slight sound catches my attention

But thankfully as the sun rises I try to leave obi's arms but his grip only tightens as I struggle, I let out a breath before I feel obi shift

"Dont leave" he says half asleep so I hesitate but obey

Once the sun comes up theres a knock on the door causing me to jump up but obi clings on, I eventually unattach him and get off the bed to the door

Once I open it with my knife in my hand behind my back I see a guard

"Prince raj requested miss shirayuki to the dining hall" he says so I nod

"We'll get her there" I say and he nods so I shut the door

I walk over to obi and kick his foot to wake him, it worked a little too well, I scared him so I snicker as I get a knife pointed at me not scaring me one bit

"Wakey wakey kitty cat" I say before walking to the connected door and go into shirayuki room

"Red, it's time to get up, raj requested your presence" I say and she hums slowly

"Okay, thank you (y/n).." she says so I nod as she gets up

I walk into obi and I's room and see him sitting at the end of the bed so I snicker

"Goodmorning kitty" I say and he rolls his eyes

"Yeah yeah" he says before he grabs his uniform and goes into the bathroom

I snicker and start changing in the room, and this time obi pulls a me and walks out when I dont got a shirt on, he blushes furiously as I'm not bothered by it one bit

"I-Im sorry" he says and looks away so I snicker

"Like you havent seen it before" I say rolling my eyes as I put a shirt on

I notice obi looking at my big scar on my stomach before I pull the shirt down, I toss on my boots before walking over to him closely

"See something you like cat boy~" I taunt with a straight face looking at his eyes

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