Dont Use Trust To Your Advantage

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Hello, sorry for the cliffhangers but I like leaving it a bit mysterious and thank you guys so much for the support this is my first story so it means a lot, love you all!!💙😁

Chapter 6

"Earned what?" Obi asks

"My trust..."


I walk back into the house leaving obi in shock

"Now. I'll ask again..where is your hideout?" I ask nicely

"We aren't tellin. And you can't make us" one says and I smirk

"Oh yes I can...ok. we can do this, the easy way..or the hard way" I say before taking out my dagger so they stay silent

"Hey cat boy! Do you wanna hurt the one that got you ma-" "ok ok!" The man interrupts me and I smirk again as obi walks in

"Pray do tell" I say with a smirk

"There's this little clearing in the northern about one mile and you'll get there" the bandit says and I look at obi

"Ok..time to take you boys back to the fort then"

"What?! We told you what you wanted, let us go!" Another guy yells

"Ehh..nah, you could go running off to your leader and tell him what happened..sooo.. you're coming with us" I say grabbing one of the bandits

After putting rope on all of them we start walking back to the fort

"Man this sucks.." I mumble and sigh as I rub the back of my neck with obi walking next to me

"what? hunting bandits isn't that bad" he says looking at me

"It's not that, it's just today has been... stressful" I say and let out a small laugh

"How so?" Obi asks looking at me

"'s nothing..don't worry about it, let's just get these guys back to the fort" I say not wanting to rant as obi keeps his eyes on me for a moment


"Zen!! We got a present!" I yell and mitsuhide, kiki and zen walk out shocked

"Little red probably already figured it out but it's the wood that's causing the would you like to give the rest of the information?" I ask smirking and he smirks back

"We know where they're hiding, one mile into the northern woods" obi says proudly

"..good job, both of you..we'll get these five locked both can take a break, we'll attack tomorrow night" zen says and we all nod

Mitsuhide, kiki and zen lock up the five bandits and I walk around a bit and see a lot of the guards are better

She did it...again

I smile to myself and walk around more keeping a patrol

The next day: evening

I walk around more, bored, then I see obi running around on the roof

I wonder what he's doing

I jump up to the roof quietly and watch him, he jumps down to the shorter roof and looks somewhere, I look and see he's watching shirayuki.. she drops a box on her foot


She picks the box up and starts walking a bit but she looks wobbly, I step forward a bit about to jump down but I see obi caught her, and for some reason me heart aches

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