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Hello everyone! There are going to be some soft moments in here but also some angry moments, I also have a question at the end of this chapter! I would appreciate it if I had y'alls opinions

Chapter 12


(Y/n's) pov:

I wake up and sit up tiredly, I rub my eyes and remember I'm wearing obi's hat still, I grab it and almost slam it on the desk then I hear a chuckle

"Wow, I didn't know you hated my hat that much" I hear obi say and I turn my head to him

"Shut the fuck up" I say before standing up

"How long have you been here anyway?" I ask still tired

"..all night" he says almost hesitantly

"And you didnt fall asleep this time?" I ask going to my closet

"Nope" he says

"Then you should get some sleep idiot, you need to decide when we're having that rematch, and we both need to be energized" I say grabbing my clothes and he chuckles

"Then I guess we can have that rematch tomorrow since you're so tired" he says and I roll my eyes

"This is why I dont sleep, because I'm tired as fuck when I do" I say before walking to the bathroom

"Also, go check on little red, I still dont trust you enough to be in here while I shower" I say and he laughs

"There's a lock for a reason" he says and I look at him unamused

"You're an ex assassin idiot, you could lock pick it. I may be tired but I'm not stupid" I say before walking into the bathroom and locking it behind me

I hear obi chuckle before it gets silent, guessing he left I get in the shower


After the shower I walk to the herbalist area, when I enter I see obi, shirayuki, ryu and garak

"Oh! Goodmorning (y/n)!" Shirayuki says cheerfully

"Morning, I am fully aware that I look horrible" I say before walking to obi who's sitting on the windowsill

"You dont look that bad" shirayuki says and I snicker

I smack obi's knee lightly telling him to move a bit so I can sit at the window and he snickers and moves a bit

"That bad, meaning I still look kinda bad" I say sitting on the windowsill infront of obi

"Everyone looks bad when they just wake up actually.." ryu says

"True, I suppose" I say resting my head in my hands

Then I feel something go on my head, I look up a bit to see obi's hat, when I look at him unamused he's smirking, I sigh and let it happen so shirayuki giggles

"So (y/n), when are you and obi going to have the rematch?" Shirayuki asks

"Tomorrow I think, so we're both energized. Obi hasn't slept..according to him" I say and he chuckles

"Yup" he says and I look outside

"..hey (y/n), could you get some herbs from the garden?" Shirayuki asks as I look at her

"Sure, what do you need?" I ask and she gives me a small list

"Okay, I'll be back, cat eyes stay here" I say almost forgetting I'm wearing his hat

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