Trust?..I Dunno Obi..

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Hello! This chapter is going to have some swearing and fighting involved so if you dont like that stuff, you might wanna leave

Chapter 5

(Y/n) pov:

I wake up to see someone sitting in front of my bed

"Morning obi.." I say sitting up

He didn't respond so I stood up to see he fell asleep, I smirked

So much for protecting me

I chuckle a bit as I study his features

Now that I think of it..he does look kinda cute...heh..I'll let him sleep for a bit

I check the time to see its 8am, I sigh and go to my balcony, I look around then at the sky

Huh, it looks like it's going to be a sunny day..

The wind starts to blow a bit moving my hair then I hear footsteps so I turn my head to see obi woke up

"Morning kitty cat" I say smirking

"When did you wake up?" He asks tiredly walking to me

"Uhh a few minutes ago, when did you fall asleep?" I asked turning to him

"Don't know, the sun was out though, get away from the window..he might be watching" obi says

"Ok ok" I say and go to my closet grabbing my uniform, I go into the bathroom and change

When I come out I hear a knock at my door I look at obi confused and he opened the door

"Oh, hey master, something wrong? " obi asks casually

I stand at my closet trying not to laugh knowing zen's reaction and I'm putting weapons on me

", what are you doing in (y/n's) room? And where is she?" Zen ask confused

"Just got here, and she's here, just grabbing her weapons" obi says looking over to me

"You can come in zen, I don't bite" I say

"maybe..." I mumble to myself but obi heard and chuckles, zen walks in

"Shirayuki passed the exam..she is now a court herbalist apprentice" zen says tiredly

"That's great! ok zen?" I ask him concerned

"I'm fine, I just stayed in the garden with shirayuki all night because we got locked in" zen says so my eyebrows furrow

"Huh? By who?" I ask confused

"I don't know, maybe someone who wanted to sabotage shirayuki's exam..where was obi last night?" Zen asks

"He was with me, we were here talking" I say glancing over to obi whose sitting on the balcony staring at me probably wanting me to tell zen about yesterday

"Oh, well I have to practice fighting soon and I'd like to go against you, in a bit. Meet me and the others at the practice area" zen says so obi and I smirk

"Are you sure you want to fight me, your highness? You might get hurt~" I taunt

"A couple scratches won't hurt, and don't underestimate me (y/n), I know how to fight well" zen said walking to the door

"Well struggling to beat mitsuhide says otherwise" I say crossing my arms while smirking

"I'm not an assassin, I don't have a lot of fast moves" zen says

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