We..Gotta Problem..

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Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for the votes and ranks, I am so happy about that, I am so grateful for everyone, even if your just ignoring all of this, but with that! I will take my leave

Chapter 9

Eventually night passes and day arrives..the bandits wake up and I'm sitting on a tree watching the sky

"Hey! Let us go!" One of the bandits yell and I turn my head to them

"Finally you're awake" I say before jumping off the tree holding in the pain

I grab the ropes and the jewelry then start pulling them to the castle

Eventually, after they failed many times to get away and a bloody fist, we finally get to the castle

"(Y/n)! Welcome back!" Kai says while the gates open

"Thanks, it was easier then I thought" I say with a slight smile

"That's great, If you're injured then go to shirayuki, she's at the infirmary" the other guard says and I nod before walking in seeing mitsuhide

"(Y/n)! You're back! I see your little trip went well" mitsuhide says smiling at me

"That it did..the one on the most left has to have his shoulders patched up..but I patched him up a bit" I say and mitsuhide nods

"Ok, I'll take them to the cells and you go get checked out by shirayuki..I'll tell zen" mitsuhide says taking the rope

I nod before walking to my room and hiding my bow and arrows

Ow..damn..my back feels all wet..

I walk to the infirmary, when I enter I see shirayuki, ryu and garak

"Hey little red..miss me?" I say before shirayuki looks at me and smiles brightly

"You're back! Are you hurt?" Shirayuki asks and I chuckle slightly

"Yea..my back got slashed and I can't reach it soo...I kinda need help hehe" I say sheepishly with my hand behind my neck

"Ok, well let's get you patched up" shirayuki says leading me into a room

"It's good to see you both to, ryu..garak" I say smirking as I walk into the room

"Ok, take off your shirt" shirayuki says getting herbs

"Yea yea, I know the drill" I say before taking off my cloak, weapons and shirt

"..I feel naked without my weapons..." I say staring at my knifes and shirayuki giggles before looking at my back

She peels off my bandage and gasps

"you're going to need stitches again..what happened?" Shirayuki asks

"..I got distracted..." I say remembering obi saw me

"...you have a lot of scars.." shirayuki says a bit sadly

"hey, dont be upset because of my scars..they remind me of my mistakes and how I learned from them" I say and shirayuki smiles softly at me

"Ok...so how are you and obi doing?" Shirayuki asks cleaning off the cut as I dont flinch at all by the small burn

"..dont know..but I wonder what he's doing right now..probably fighting" I say looking at the ground and shirayuki giggles again

"You really like him, dont you (y/n)" shirayuki says and I look away sheepishly

"I dont know..this is my first time..falling.. in love...I dont like it at all.." I say shaking my head

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