chapter 2

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Leonardo's pov;

We are on the plane now flying to America. I was doing work with dad And zio.
The triplets were playing a board game. All 3 of them enjoy playing board games and sports together.

"The Americans said that the Germans are trying to build up their empire with gangs joining them." Dad said.

"The Spanish heard from a spy that they have doubled security at their base because they are trying to keep a hostage hidden." Zio said.

"Tito?" I called out.

"Yeah man." I heard him say from the bed in a tired voice.

"I need you to hack into the Germans server and find info about a hidden hostage." I ordered.
He gets his computer out and starts typing while laying down on the bed.

Lazy fucker.

"Dino, you have to give me the money. Deals a deal." I heard ella yell.
"Well I don't like the deal." Dino yelled back.
"We shook hands D." Ella yelled. I got up and came over to them.

"Triplets what's going on?" I asked them calmly.
"I won a bet between me and dino but he won't give me the money." Ella said.
"D why won't you give Ella the money? How much is it anyway?" I asked Dino.
"Its $200 and I only have $300 left."
"Ella dad said that bets can't be more than $100 for this exact reason. D give him $100 and ella don't make a deal more than the limited amount anymore."

"Ok leo." They said and D gave ella the $100.

I went back to dad and zio and we started working.

"Leo, the hidden hostage is a little girl. I found a voice message from this morning." Tito said getting up and coming over. The screen showed a box with those noise bars things. He hit play.
"Boss she won't stop crying."
"Well calm her down."
"I'm trying boss. I'm bout to just shoot her."
"You will not shoot her. She is useful."
"Its been about 3 years though boss. I don't think they even remember her."
"They will remember her. She is their daughter/sister."
"Yes boss."
"Remember, we don't kill other mafias children. We torture them."
"Yes boss."


"They have a mafia child. We have to attack sooner than planned. We attack tomorrow morning. Tell the triplets to get to bed while we work up a plan and call our men to get here sooner." I ordered.

"Triplets get to bed now. We are attacking sooner than planned." Zio yelled to them.

"Why are you attacking sooner?" Ella asked.

"They are torturing a little girl. You know what we do when a woman or child is in need."

"We save all women and children in need and we never hurt them unless they hurt us." Ella sited.

"Exactly. Now get to bed."

The triplets went to their bed and we started making a plan.

"Zio get the blueprint of their base." Zio got the blueprint and we all looked at it.
"Ok their cells are right here. If we can get to the stairs without being caught it should be easy to get the girl. We know that they don't gaurd if they think the prisoner won't escape. We are not looking for the don or the second command so no one should be running around the place." I said.

"If we can have a sharp shooter on the next building they can help by shooting any German who leaves the building." Zio said.

"We have to have another sharp shooter then Dylan though. He is good but he doesn't know which ones are German men." Dad commented.

"Ella is the only other sharp shooter. I talked to Ella one time and he said that he wants to help with any mission that involves saving a child." Tito said.

"We'll have to talk to the triplets tomorrow. Everyone get to bed we will talk more tomorrow." Dad said.

Time skip...

Its now morning and everyone is up and ready. We already ate breakfast and now we have to finish planning and talk to the triplets.

"Triplets, we have to talk to all of you about the plan." I told them.

"What is it Leo?" They said together.

"Well we have discussed that Dylan can't be the sharp shooter we need for this mission. He isn't familiar with the Germans yet and now that this is a rescue we can't have him killing a man who isn't a German. So Tito told us that ella might be able to help us." I explained.

"How can I help y'all with the mission?" Ella asked.

"Tito told us that you wanted to help with a mission if it involved saving a child. Well this mission turned from a attack to a rescue. The Germans have a little girl being tortured and I want you to help." I told him.

"I will help. Tell me where to set up." He said getting serious.

"You will be here on this building. Kill any German and watch over us and our men." Zio said pointing out the building.

"I will give y'all your bracelets when we start gearing up." Dad said.

The triplets wear bracelets during missions or when we attack so they know that the other one is safe.
If they don't have it on one of them will get scared for ones safety and could contradict the mission. The bracelet has lights on it to show that one of them is alive or not.

When the jet landed we get off and go in our cars. We drive to our base in America and start informing our men the plan.

"Ok this has been switched to a rescue mission rather than an attack. The Germans have a little girl who is a mafia princess held and possibly tortured. I along with my father are going to find the princess while most of you cover the sides and inside. Kill any German. I will have my brother Fiorello on the next building watching over us." I ordered. Every one said yes sir and went to gear up.

After I got dressed in all black I went to the armory. I found Ella trying to gain courage to ask something by their quality bolt-action rifle.

I walk over to them and unlock the case.
Ella looks at me relieved. They have trouble asking for help.

"Its ok Ella, i know you struggle with it. But always know we will always help you. Now get your bracelet from dad." I said kissing their head before they went to find dad.
I grabbed my guns and amo and left the armory to go to where we all meet up at.

Hey. I have finally posted the chapter.
Comment or text me with some ideas please.

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